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they "engulf" the bacteria

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It is called Phagocytosis.

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endocytosis or Phagocytosis

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Q: What is it called when white blood cells eat bacteria?
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How do white blood cells fight bacteria?

they eat them

How do your white blood cells disarm foreign bacteria?

The WBC's (White Blood Cells) enter the area with the bacteria. When the reach, they give off antibodies, which then go and attach to the bacteria. This stops the bacteria. Then the macrophages, or the largest WBC's devour the bacteria along with the antibodies. A chemical in the macrophage causes the bacteria to dissolve.

What do white blood cells do to bacteria?

White blood cells eat bacteria because without white blood cells bacteria would be in our body all the time and we would always be poorly. Also the scientific term for eating when on the subject of white blood cells is engulf, therefore when you mention this word in your work or in a assessment you may get extra marks. Back to the origional question why do white blood cells eat bacteria, i believe that i was god who made us an programmed our boy to do intresting functions to prevent us from becomiong ill.

White blood cell how do they fight off infections?

If an infection occurs and bacteria enters your body the white blood cells will produce antibodies to cover them and clump them together, then more white blood cells will engulf them and digest them. A lot of the white blood cells will then die but a few will stay alive as memory cells and if that bacteria enters again they will multipy and fight it before any harm id done. Platelets in the blood will also seal the wound that has been made to prevent any further dirt and bacteria from entering the body.Once you have had a disease the antibodies are produced much quicker the next time you catch the same infection and your body also has some immunity to it.hello people of earth

Some cancer treatments have a side effect of killing white blood cells. Which best describes a person undergoing this treatment?

The person would be more likely to be harmed by common bacteria. - Apex

Related questions

What blood cells kills bacteria?

You Must mean White blood cells. White blood cells kill bacteria by first engulfing them, this process i believe is called phagocytocis. They literally eat the bacteria and digest it.

Which blood cells fight bacteria and viruses?

The white blood cells (also called leukocytes).

What do white blood cells make?

White Blood Cells make a chemical called Interferon, which white blood cells use to kill bacteria and germs.

Which part of blood is responsible for fighting infections?

White blood cells (WBC) of a type called macrophages are attracted to the site of infection and surround the bacteria, digesting and killing them by using hydrogen peroxide created within the WBC.

All about white blood cells?

white blood cells are your body's defence system to bacteria and infection when it enters your body there are several types of white blood cells the main one is called a phagocyte which engulfs bacteria and using proteins it eats it others white blood cells include t cells and b cells

What blood cells fight pathogens?

White blood cells fight infection while the red blood cells carry blood to your heart.

What is the name of the blood cell that destroys germs in the body?

A type of cell that can destroy bacteria is called a 'Phagocyte' It contains lysosomes (Organelles containing digestive enzymes) The Phagocyte moves towards the bacteria and 'traps' the bacteria by forming a vacuole around it. Some lysosomes move towards and fuse with the vacuole. The bacteria is then digested by the enzymes contained by the lysosomes. The Breakdown products then pass into the cytoplasm of the phagocyte.

Is white blood cells a virus or bacteria?

White blood cells are normal parts of the human body. They are neither viruses nor bacteria.

Does white blood cells called basophils engulf and digest bacteria?

White blood cells are blood cells that engulf and digest bacteria and fungi. Basophil is a white blood cell with granules that stain with basic dyes.

When they enclose bacteria certain types of white blood cells engulf bacteria and bring them into the cell what is this process called?


What kind of white blood cells is made of dead bacteria and white blood cells?

the neutrophis they are known as pus cells

What can bacteria do that viruses cannot?

Bacteria can attack and kill cells. White blood cells can kill bacteria.