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The process is known as precipitation. It involves water vapor in the atmosphere condensing into liquid droplets or ice crystals, which then fall to the Earth's surface in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail.

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Q: What is the process that allows liquid water to return to the earth from the sky?
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What is the process that allows liquid water to return to earth from the sky?


How can water vapor in the air return to Earth?

Water vapor in the air can return to Earth through the process of condensation, where the vapor cools and transforms into liquid droplets forming clouds. These droplets can fall back to Earth as precipitation in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail.

What is the process that allows water to return to earth from the sky?

The process is called precipitation. It occurs when water vapor in the atmosphere condenses into liquid or solid form (such as rain or snow) and falls back to Earth's surface. This completes the water cycle, where water evaporates from Earth's surface, condenses in the atmosphere, and then returns to the surface through precipitation.

How does the process of condensation work on earth?

Condensation is the process where water vapor comes together to form liquid water (or any other liquid).

What is unique about the planet earth that allows life to exist?

It has a large quantity of liquid water.

Which process return water to Earth?

The process that returns water to Earth is called the water cycle. This cycle involves the evaporation of water from the Earth's surface, its transformation into clouds, and then its return to the Earth through precipitation in the form of rain or snow. This continuous process helps to maintain the planet's supply of water.

What is the relationship between weather and water?

The water cycle is driven by energy from the sun. Liquid water is evaporated and changed into a gas. In this process, energy is absorbed (endothermic). The gaseous vapour rises and circulates in the atmosphere, cools and changes back into a liquid. This process is called condensation and releases energy (exothermic). Tiny droplets of water in the atmosphere accumulate to form clouds, which can return the water to Earth as precipitation, namely rain or snow.

What is the most direct route for precipitation to return to the atmosphere?

The most direct route for precipitation to return to the atmosphere is through the process of evaporation. This occurs when water on the Earth's surface, such as oceans, lakes, and rivers, is heated by the sun and changes from liquid to vapor, rising into the atmosphere.

Why are there no nails in Jewish caskets?

Jewish law only allows NATURAL materials, like plain wood. This is because, according to Jewish teachings, the body is to return to the earth so any items that may impede the process of decomposition are not allowed.

What happened when Persephone returned from the underworld?

Demeter allows spring time to return to the Earth. While she is in the underworld the earth is in winter because her mother is in mourning due to missing her.

Why does liquid water exist on Earth?

Liquid water exists on Earth because the planet's temperature and atmospheric pressure are within a range that allows water to remain in a liquid state. The presence of the greenhouse effect helps regulate Earth's temperature, keeping it suitable for liquid water to be stable. Additionally, the abundance of water vapor in the atmosphere contributes to the formation of liquid water through processes like condensation.

What is the purpous of the water cycle?

The purpose of water cycle is to return water to earth's surface. It is a continuous process.