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Transpiration :)

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Beulah Skiles

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2y ago
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14y ago

The term is called transpiration.

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Q: What is the process whereby plants lose water vapor?
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What is the name of the water cycle process where plants give of water vapor to the atmosphere?

The process is called transpiration, whereby water vapor is released through the stomata of plant leaves. A different process that releases liquid water from the xylem is called guttation.

What do plants lose in the process known as transpiration?

Plants lose water through transpiration, which helps cool the plant and transport nutrients. However, this process can also lead to dehydration if not enough water is taken up by the roots to compensate for the loss.

Process in which plants release a large amount of water vapor?

Transpiration is the process in which plants release a large amount of water vapor through small openings in their leaves called stomata. This process helps plants to regulate their temperature, transport nutrients, and maintain water balance within their tissues.

What process by which plants release water into the air?

The release of water vapor to the atmosphere by plants is called?

What is the process in which plants release a large amount of water vapor?

The process in which plants release a large amount of water vapor is called transpiration. Transpiration occurs through small openings on the leaves called stomata, where water evaporates from the plant's tissues and is released into the atmosphere. This process helps regulate the plant's temperature and transports nutrients throughout the plant.

The process by which plants release water vapor into the through the stomata?

Stomatal transpiration

What is the process in which plants lose water vapor?


What do the Trees and other plants give off water vapor through the process of?

Trees and other plants give off water vapor through their aerial parts (stomata) during a process called transpiration.

Liquid water is changed to water vapor by the process of Water vapor forms into clouds by the process of?

Liquid water changes to water vapor through the process of evaporation. Water vapor forms clouds through the process of condensation, where the water vapor cools and condenses into tiny water droplets or ice crystals that come together to form clouds.

Plants contribute large volumes of atmosphere water vapor to the air through the process of?


What process releases Water vapor by plants and is returned to the environment?

I believe it's transpiration.

What is the Process where plants release water vapor through their leaves?

Transpiration is the process by which moisture is carried through plants from roots to small pores on the underside of leaves, where it changes to vapor and is released to the atmosphere. Transpiration is essentially evaporation of water from plant leaves.