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3 x - 7 = -21

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Q: What is the product of the 2 solutions of the equation x'2 4'x-21 equals 0?
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It is: 2 times the square root of 21 and it's an irrational number

What is the simplest radical from of the square root of 84?

First note that 84=4x21 and 4 is a perfect square. So square root of (84)=square root (4x21)=Square root (4) Square root (21)= 2 multiplied by the square root of 21. You can also write this using rational exponents, but this is not in radical form. It is an equivalent expression, however. 2 x (21)1/2

The times table of 21?

1x21=21 2x21=42 3x21=63 4x21=84 5x21=105 6x21=126 7x21=147 8x21=168 9x21=189 10x21=210

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How would you put 2.84 into a fraction?

2.84 = 2 + 0/84 = 2 + 84/100 = 2 84/100 = 2 (4x21)/(4x25) = 2 21/25 That is 2.84 as a mixed number; As an improper fraction: 2.84 = 284/100 = (4x71)/(4x25) = 71/25 Alternatively, to convert the mixed number: 2 21/25 = (2x25+21)/25 = 71/25

How many hours a month does the average college student work?

Their are two possible answers to this so i shall give the average of the both. 1)Student leaves college at 4pm arriving at work at 5pm and works till 9pm and does not work weekends that's 4(260/12)=4x21=84 hours a week. 2)Second possibility includes work on weekends,Given the average standard of job a college student acquires i shall state that the establishment of employment will probably not open until a minimum of 12pm and close at a max of 3am with the students presumingly leaving at around 12am 12(104/12)=103+84. Therefore the average student would work 103+84+84/3=90.3 hours a month