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The pronouns are:

  • I = first person, singular, personal pronoun; takes the place of the noun for the speaker
  • him = third person, singular, personal pronoun; takes the place of the noun for the male person spoken about
  • yourself = second person, singular, reflexive pronoun; refers back to the noun or pronoun for the person spoken to

Note: The example sentence, "I shall see him yourself." is an incorrect use of the second person reflexive pronoun "yourself". A reflexive pronoun must have a corresponding noun or pronoun to refer back to; there is no other mention of the "second person" in the sentence. The sentence can be corrected as:

  • I shall see him myself.
  • You shall see him yourself.
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4mo ago

The pronouns in "I shall see him yourself" are "I" and "him." However, "yourself" is not a pronoun in this context; it is a reflexive pronoun used incorrectly. The correct phrasing should be "I shall see him myself."

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What are the pronouns in 'please tidy your room yourself'?

The pronouns in the sentence "please tidy your room yourself" are "your" (possessive pronoun) and "yourself" (reflexive pronoun).

Is yourself a pronouns?

Yes, the word 'yourself' is a reflexive pronoun, a word that 'reflects' back to the antecedent.The reflexive pronouns are: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.Example: I see that you made yourself some breakfast.The reflexive pronouns also function as intensive pronouns when placed right after the antecedent. The intensive use is to emphasize the antecedent.Example: I see that you yourself made some breakfast.

What are the 14 pronouns?

The 14 pronouns are: I, me, he, him, she, her, it, we, us, they, them, you, yourself, myself.

What is a reflexive case pronoun?

Reflexive pronouns are object pronouns that refers to the same person as the subject. 'I cut myself.' 'You see yourself as the leader.' Himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves, and oneself are the other reflexive pronouns.

What pronouns start with the letter Y?

You is a pronoun. Additional pronouns include your, yours and yourself.

What are the four reflexive pronouns?

The four reflexive pronouns are: myself, yourself, himself/herself/itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.

What are the most main four types of pronouns?

The four main types of pronouns are personal pronouns (e.g. I, you, he, she), possessive pronouns (e.g. my, your, his, her), demonstrative pronouns (e.g. this, that, these, those), and reflexive pronouns (e.g. myself, yourself, herself, itself).

When do you use shall and will in future perfect tense?

In future perfect tense, "shall" is used with first person pronouns (I, we) while "will" is used with second and third person pronouns (you, he/she/it/they). For example: "I shall have finished my work by then" and "You will have completed the task by tomorrow."

What are all the intensive and reflexive pronouns?

Intensive pronouns: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves. Reflexive pronouns: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, oneself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.

What are the gender of pronouns?

The genders of pronouns are male, female, neuter, and common gender. The pronouns for a male are: he, him, his, himself The pronouns for a female are: she, her, hers, herself The neuter pronoun is: it, its, itself The common gender pronouns are: you, they, them, yours, your, theirs, their, yourself, yourselves, themselves.

What are 4 pronouns that end in self?

Reflexive pronouns are the pronouns that end with 'self'. Reflexive pronouns 'reflect' back on the subject like a mirror. The reflexive pronouns are:.myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves..Example use: I made the cookies myself. or They fixed the roof themselves.Intensive pronouns are the reflexive pronouns used to emphasize its antecedent noun.For example: They, themselves, fixed the roof. or You, yourself, are a good friend.