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Q: What is the protective adaptive feature if agama lizard to terrestial habitat?
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Classifications of plants according to habitat?

There are three types of plant according to habitat, namely, TERRESTIAL PLANTS, AQUATIC AND MARINE PLANTS AND AERIAL PLANTS.

What is the area or ecosystem type to which an organism is well adaptive to live and reproduce?


Definition for adaptive characteristics?

The definition for adaptive characteristic is when an animal adapts to its habitat for survival. For instance, a Dingoe has fur color that is made to blend in with its surroundings.

what happens in Adaptation?

Adaptive radiation occurs when a species occupies a habitat with unoccupied niches

What is the feature of camel?

the feature of the camel is its humps. the humps are there to store water. there feature is well adapted to its habitat because it is dry and hot, the desert

Classification of animals according to habitat?

Animals can be classified into various habitats such as terrestrial, aquatic, and aerial. Terrestrial animals live on land, while aquatic animals live in water habitats like oceans, rivers, and lakes. Aerial animals, such as birds and bats, predominantly live in the air.

How do plants and animals survive in the ocean?

They posses adaptation feature to the marine habitat.

What is a giraffe's feature that shows how it adapt to its habitat?

The long neck on a giraffe allows it to reach the acacia leaves.

What happens in adaptive radiation?

Adaptive radiation occurs when a single ancestral species rapidly diversifies into multiple new species, each occupying a unique ecological niche. This process is often triggered by environmental changes or the colonization of new habitats, leading to the evolution of distinct traits and adaptations in the new species to exploit different resources or environments.

Why is radial symmetry adaptive for sessile animals in aquatic habitat?

Advantages - receiving signals from and moving away in every direction. Disadvantages - no complex brain system, i.e. no cephalization. Reduced speed.

Difference between a zoo and natural reserve?

The main difference between zoo animals and forest animals has a lot to do with how they are kept. Zoo animals are domesticated and learn to depend on others for food and the basic needs they encounter. forest animals depend on their instincts and their surroundings for their necessities.

What are the adaptive features of plants and fishes living in an estuarine habitat?

A freshwater habitat is a freshwater lake, river, aquarium, ect.