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Q: What is the purity of street cocaine?
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Related questions

How much is the street value of 1 pound of cocaine?

$8,000-$13,000 depending on location, dealer and purity

How much money is a pound of cocaine?

The street value of a pound of cocaine can vary greatly depending on location and purity, but it typically ranges from $20,000 to $50,000.

How much is an ounce of crack worth?

The street price of crack cocaine can vary widely depending on location and purity, but it typically ranges from $800 to $1,200 per ounce. However, it is illegal and highly dangerous to buy or sell crack cocaine.

What is street names for cocaine?


How much does a pound of cocaine cost-?

$8,000-$13,000 depending on location, dealer and purity

What are some street names for crack?

well Crack is a street name for Crack Cocaine.

How much crack does 3.5 grams make?

The amount of crack cocaine produced from 3.5 grams of cocaine can vary depending on the specific production process and purity of the cocaine being used. On average, about 10-20% of the original cocaine weight can be converted into crack cocaine, so from 3.5 grams of cocaine, you might get around 0.35 to 0.7 grams of crack cocaine.

What is the street vale of an eightball of cocaine?


How do you clean Cocaine bought from a street peddler?

Soap and water.

How do cocaine dealers test it to know that it is real?

They taste it. Real cocaine makes your mouth go numb when you taste it. They also look at it: good, high-purity cocaine doesn't come in the form of hard rocks and dry powder. Good cocaine is soft, moist and clumpy. If the cocaine is very powdery, with hard rocks that are difficult to crush, then it's been diluted with something (usually baby laxatives).I think you can also buy some kind of testing kit, to find out exactly how pure it is. But obviously, the dealers can't test the purity right there in the street, when they're making the deal. So they look at it and taste it first to make sure it's good, and then later they use their testing kit to see exactly how pure it is.

Is cocaine street or is it a brand name?

Cocaine is the chemical name of the substance, in the same way that Ibuprofen is the chemical name of Advil.

Is codeine contain cocaine?

No, codeine is an analgesic opiate pro-drug for pain. Cocaine is a crystalline tropane alkaloid sold as a street drug.