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Q: What is the purpose of a board director in economics?
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Since a Board of Directors always has multiple members is it ever okay to use Board of Director for example should it be Board of Director position or Board of Directors position?

Of the two options offered, 'Board of Directors position' is to be preferred. For clarity, however, you might consider using just 'Director position.' Other alternatives: position on the Board of Directors; Board position; Director on the Board. Note: One director does not make a board.

Is there an apostrophe in board of director's meeting?

Yes. Board of director's meeting is correct.

If someone serves on the board of directors of an organization do you refer to the person's position as a board of director?

No, simply director. The board refers to the entire group of directors collectively.

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Difference between chief executive officer and managing director?

Managing director: The managing director is the head of the whole management team and a member of the board of a company; in other words, the managing director is a CEO only, but also has his own shares in the company and is also present in the board meetings. In other words, a director of the board. Chief Executive Director: The CEO is the biggest corporate officer or in other words, the head of the management team. he just controls the whole management and is the ultimate boss in the company after the board of directors and the chairman.

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You use it to chop things with

Who is board of director of micromax mobile?

Rajesh Agarwal

Who is the Director of McDonald's?

The Board of Directors directs McDonald's.