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If you indicate that the mass of an object is 17.2 grams then this implies that you have measured its mass to be somewhere between 17.195 and 17.205. If, however, you indicate a mass of 17.2153 then it will be understood that you have measured the mass to be between 17.21525 and 17.21535.

In short, the number of decimal points indicates the precision of the measurement (even when those digits are zeroes).

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Q: What is the purpose of leaving decimal values at the end of a n?
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What is the purpose of leaving decimal values at the end of a number?

you want to leave decimals at the end of values so that you avoid rounding error when you carry the value through the rest of the problem

What is the purpose for leaving decimals at the end of a number?

Leaving decimals at the end of a number is to give more accuracy. Sometimes it is needed, sometimes its not though. For example: 8-4= 4. This is a simple subtract sum that needs no decimals. But when working out a sum such as 6/4= 1.5 a decimal is needed. All a decimal shows is a point between two numbers. 1.5 is directly in the middle of 1 and 2. This could be rounded up to 2 but using a decimal makes it more accurate.

What's the definition for a non-terminating decimal?

non-terminatind decimal: a decimal numeral that does not end in an infinite sequence ofzeros ( contrasted with terminating decimal). terminating decimal: a decimal numeral in which, after a finite number of decimalplaces, all succeeding place values are 0, as 1 / 8 = 0.125 (contrasted with nonterminating decimal).

What is the purpose for leaving decimal values at the end of a number?

The may give additional precision or may be indicators of the number of significant digits in the calculation. As an example of the latter, 5.000 kilometres is, at first sight, no different from 5 km. But, 5 km could represent any length from 4.5 to 5.5 km (rounded to the nearest integer). Whereas 5.000 km can only range from 4.995 to 5.005 km. This difference is important for error analysis.

Is 25.33 a terminating decimal?

A terminating decimal is a decimal number with a definite end. For example, pi has no end and is irrational. 25.33 has an end and is therefore a terminating decimal.

A decimal number for which the decimals come to an end is called?

A terminating decimal

When was Leaving the End Open created?

Leaving the End Open was created in 2009.


a terminating decimal

What is a decimal that comes to a end?

a terminating decimal.

What is a decimal that repeats digits an has no end?

a repeating decimal

What are the principles and morals of Boo Radley from To Kill a Mockingbird What values are important to him in the beginning of the book and at the end?

In the beginning of the book, Boo Radley is reclusive and mysterious, with his actions and values often misunderstood by the community. He values kindness and compassion, as shown through his acts of leaving gifts for Scout and Jem. By the end of the book, Boo's values of protecting and caring for others become more apparent as he saves Scout and Jem from Bob Ewell, showcasing his sense of honor and duty.

A decimal whose digits end?

is known as a terminating decimal.