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The radius of Neptune's orbit is equal to its distance from the Sun, which is: Average distance from the Sun = 30.066 AU = 4.498 x 10^9 km

Maximum distance from the Sun = 30.367 AU = 4.543 x 10^9 km

Minimum distance from the Sun = 29.453 AU = 4.453 x 10^9 km AU = astronomical Unit, 1 AU = Earth-Sun distance = 149,600,000 km or 1.496 x 10^8 km = 92.96 million miles

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15y ago

All planets tend to have elliptical orbits.

The closest Neptune comes to the Sun is 4,452,940,833 km, and the farthest it gets is 4,553,946,490 km

As to the length of its orbit, it takes 60,190 days and travels at an average speed of 5.43 km per second.... that makes the distance travelled on one orbit = 5.43 x 60 x 60 x 24 x 60,190 kilometres, which works out at 28,238,258,880 kilometres

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