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Paul Wyman

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3d ago

The rate of change of speed is acceleration, which measures how quickly an object's velocity is changing. The rate of change of direction is angular acceleration, which measures how quickly the direction of an object's velocity is changing. Both quantities are important in understanding the motion of objects.

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Q: What is the rate of change and of speed and direction?
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What term used to describe the rate of an objects movement?

Speed is the rate of movement in any direction based on change in position for a change in time. Velocity is a change in speed. It is also a change in direction while the speed does not have to change.

What is term used to describe the rate of an objects movement?

Speed is the rate of movement in any direction based on change in position for a change in time. Velocity is a change in speed. It is also a change in direction while the speed does not have to change.

Can the velocity of a body be constant still varying its speed?

Yes. Velocity is rate (or speed) in a given direction. If you change your direction but not your rate (or speed) then you have changed your velocity without changing speed.

What is rate of change of position?

Rate of change of position = speedIf you also reveal the direction of the speed, then you have velocity.

What is the rate at which speed and direction change?

The rate at which speed changes is acceleration, which is the change in velocity over time. The rate at which direction changes is angular acceleration, which is the change in angular velocity over time.

What is the difference between speed velocity acceleration?

Speed is the rate of change in distance, whereas velocity is speed and direction of travel. Acceleration is the change in velocity (including direction).

Velocity is the change of speed andor direction of an object?

Velocity is a vector quantity that represents the rate of change of an object's position in a specific direction. It includes both the speed of the object and its direction of motion. Mathematically, velocity is calculated as the rate of change of position with respect to time.

What is the difference between acceleration and velocity?

Velocity is the rate at which an object changes its position, while acceleration is the rate at which the velocity of an object changes. In other words, velocity is the speed and direction of motion, whereas acceleration is the change in speed or direction of motion.

What refers to the rate of change in velocity?

Acceleration refers to the rate of change in velocity. It can be in the form of an increase or decrease in speed, or a change in direction.

The rate at which an object changes position is called what?

A change in position in a certain amount of time is called motion.

Does velocity describe both speed and acceleration?

Velocity specifically describes the speed and direction of an object's motion. Speed refers only to the rate of motion without considering direction, while acceleration describes the rate of change of velocity over time.

What is rate of change of position in a fixed direction?

The rate of change of position in a fixed direction is called velocity. It indicates how quickly an object is moving in the specified direction. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both the speed and direction of motion.