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One breath every 5 seconds for an adult, 1 breath every 3 seconds for an Infant & Child.

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Q: What is the rate to give breaths in ACLS?
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What is the compression rate for CPR?

The current rate of compressions is 30 compressions to 2 breaths. Start off with 30 compressions then 2 breaths and continue 30:2 at a rate of 100 compressions per minute. However, if you have rescued someone from water give 5 initial breaths and then proceed as above.

What is the CPR compression rate?

The current rate of compressions is 30 compressions to 2 breaths. Start off with 30 compressions then 2 breaths and continue 30:2 at a rate of 100 compressions per minute. However, if you have rescued someone from water give 5 initial breaths and then proceed as above.

What should you do when administering breaths by using a bag- mask device for a child who is not breathing but does have a pulse?

Give breaths at a rate of 1 breath every 3 to 5 seconds.

How do you give the breaths properly to an adult?

How do you give the breaths properly?

When a child has a heart rate greater than 60 per minute and a pulse but it not breathing effectiviely?

give breaths without chest compression

At what rate do you administer breaths and chest compressions?

30 compressions to two breaths. ----

What rate do you give chest compressions to an adult?

30 compressions at a rate of 100 compressions per minute. Then give 2 mouth-to-mouth breaths and repeat. Continue until help arrives.

Find the unit rate for 44 breaths in 2 minutes?

22 breaths per minute

How do you calculate the ventilation rate?

breaths / min

CPR performed on and infant should include chest compressions done at the rate of what?

The rate is 30 compressions at a rate of 100/minute.

What is the normal respiration rate of a cow?

The normal resting respiration rate of a calf is 15-40 breaths per minute. The normal respiration rate for a mature cow/bull is 10-30 breaths per minute.

What is respiration rate?

The respiration rate is the number of breaths taken in 1 minute.