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Q: What is the relationship between Home economics and mathematics?
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What subjects do you need to be a fashion designer?

Mathematics,English Language,Home Economics,Visual Arts & computer Technology.

What is relationship between home economics and chemistry?

There is a close relationship between home economics and chemistry. Home economics is the study of how people use and manage resources in the home and community. It includes the study of how people use and produce food, how they manage money, and how they care for themselves and their families. Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter, as well as the changes it undergoes. It is concerned with the substances that make up our world and the reactions between them. The two disciplines are closely related because home economics is concerned with the management of resources, and chemistry is concerned with the composition and properties of matter. Home economics requires an understanding of chemistry in order to manage resources effectively. For example, a home economist might need to understand the chemistry of food in order to plan nutritious meals, or the chemistry of cleaning products in order to choose the most effective and safe products for the home. Similarly, a chemist might need to understand the principles of home economics in order to develop new products or to advise on the most effective use of existing products.

What is the relationship between home economics and other subjects?

Biology is related because it looks at the human body, digestion, etc. Physicology and sociology are good if you want to be a dietician because they look at understanding people. Hope this helps :)

What is the relationship between home economics and other related subjects?

biology is related because it looks at the human body, digestion, etc. Physicology and sociology are good if you want to be a dietician because they look at understanding people. Hope this helps :)

How do you say home economics in Japanese?

home economics - kateika

Relationship of home economics and Hotel and Tourism education?

The relationship is that, Home economics teaches alot on so many skills like cooking, weaving, dye, detergent, cream, and how to make the environment clean, etc. of which Hotel has to do with cooking and cleaning of the sorrounding. And of Tourism, any Tourism need to have hotel so as to serve any visitors visiting the Tourism.

Differentiate Technology and Home Economics from Home Economics Technology?

technology is the product of science while home economics refers on study on how to plan life.

What is home economics management?

home economics management have to do with cooking,sewing,clothing and textile,and the tools/equipment we use to do those activities.

What is the relationship between guidance and counseling and home?

The relationship between guidance and counseling and home is proportional. Through guidance and counseling, people are able to live peacefully and in full understanding with each other at home.

Home economics and livelihood education?

Home Economics and livelihood education is a combination of educating individuals how to manage a home and at the same time working for a living.

What is the definition of economics of education?

Definition home economics education?

What is the relationship between a home country and a host country?
