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It is not known for Jonas to love Fiona in the end of the book.though it does mention that he loves Fiona and Asher and the giver the text does not specify if he still is in love with Fiona or not.

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1mo ago

Jonas and Fiona are close friends in "The Giver." They share a special bond and support each other throughout the story. Their relationship evolves as they experience new emotions and challenges together.

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11y ago

Yes, in the Giver by Lois Lowry, Jonas shows love for her by dreaming about her, which is known as "Stirrings" in the book.

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9y ago

In the community nobody can see colors. Jonas has a special thing called "Seeing Beyond" so sometimes he sees flashed of colors. When he looks a Fiona one time he sees her hair flash red.

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11y ago

They are just friends.

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The major characters in "The Giver" are Jonas, The Giver, Fiona, Asher, and Jonas's family members such as his father and mother. Each character plays a significant role in the story's development and themes.

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In "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, the mother says that the stirrings usually begin with a dream. These dreams are the early signs of the stirrings, which signify the onset of heightened emotional and physical changes in adolescents.

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Near the beginning of Chapter 20, the Giver refers to Fiona as Jonas's "red-haired friend".

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I don't have personal preferences, but many people enjoy the character of Jonas in "The Giver" as he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and challenges the world he lives in.

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Fiona and Jonas are both characters from "The Giver" by Lois Lowry. Both characters are friends with the protagonist, Jonas. They all live in a dystopian society where emotions are suppressed and individuality is discouraged. Fiona and Jonas also share a desire to challenge the status quo and seek out truths about their world.