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Q: What is the relationship between evaporation and precipitation?
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What is the relationship between evaporation and precipitation rates and salinity?

nothing i dont know

What is the Difference between evaporation condensation precipitation?

evaporation is a method to condensing

The relationship between evaporation and humidity?

The relationship between humidity and precipitation is that humidity the amount of moisture in the air and precipitation is any type of water that falls from the sky.

The difference between precipitation and evaporation?

i think the answer is that evaporation is wen the water of liquid dries up

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How does water move between the hydrosphere and atomosphere?

evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.

What occurs between evaporation and precipitation?

Condensation. The collecting of water molecules into a cloud

What is the relationship between precipitation and elevation?


Do earths oceans gain or lose water considering evaporation and precipitation together if so how much?

if evaporation is considered part of precipitation it odes because precipitation causes evaporation

Describe the 4 stages in a water cycle?

precipatation evaporation condinsationand i forgot the other one. sorry

Do you oceans gain earliest water considering evaporation and precipitation together?

On a long term between evaporation and condensation an equilibrium exist.

The meditterranean sea is very salty. Does evaporation exceed precipitation or does preceipitation exceed evaporation over the mediterranean sea?

Evaporation exceeds precipitation.