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Elodea is a genus of aquatic plants often called the waterweeds.
Snails includes sea snails, land snails and freshwater snails. Snails lacking a shell or having only a very small one are usually called slugs. Snails that have a broadly conical shell that is not coiled or appears not to be coiled are usually known as limpets.

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Q: What is the relationship between snails and elodea?
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Can snails eat elodea?

Yes, most pond snails eat elodea, or anachris. However, it usually depends on the species of snail. Land snails do not eat it, and most aquatic ones do.

What eats elodea?

Fish will eat off of elodia and if you have snails it will eat off of it.

Can aquirium snails eat elodea?

Yes, they can eat the genus of aquatic plants called the waterweeds.

What does freshwater lake snails eat?

They'll eat algae or freshwater aquatic plants such as anarchis or elodea

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Many species of ducks will eat snails. In fact, some species are adapted to seek out and eat predominantly such aquatic creatures as snails.

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What are the differences between elodea cell and a paramecium cell?

the differences between the paramecuim cell and the elodea cell is that paramecuim- hunt for food, live by itself, single cell creature. elodea- make their onw food, cannot live alone, multicullar cells. (lots of cells)

What are the similarities and differences between and elodea cell and a paramecium cell?

the difference between an elodea cell & an paramecium cells, are that elodea cells can't survive on it's own because it is not a single celled organism and it has to work together with other elodea cells to survive. While paramecium cell on the other hand are single celled organisms and have everything that they need to live on their own

What is the main difference in cell structure between E. coli and Elodea cell?

the differences between the paramecuim cell and the elodea cell is that paramecuim- hunt for food, live by itself, single cell creature. elodea- make their onw food, cannot live alone, multicullar cells. (lots of cells)

Similarities between a human cell and a elodea cell?

A human cell and an elodea cell are both eukaryotic cells. They contain a membrane-bound nucleus as well as a cellular membrane.