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the difference between technology and global awareness is that you use technology is that they both show information.

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Q: What is the relationship between technology and global awareness?
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The ability to see a connection between the larger world and your personal life?

This ability is known as global awareness or perspective. It involves recognizing how global events, trends, and issues impact your personal life and vice versa. Developing global awareness can help individuals make more informed decisions and understand their place in the world.

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Yes, there is. Ozone hole is formed due to global warming. One big reason it is.

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The ozone thinning leads to global warming. The same is true for reverse.

What is the definition of global technology?

The definition of global technology is a way of producing and diversifying analysis or experiments around the world. Technology has changed the global economic structure and technology has played a huge part in that.

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Global perspective of business is a good relationship between the globalized business all over the world.