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Calling the frequency of revolution w=2pi f, the relationship to the force F is

w=sqrt(F/r) ,

where r is the radius of revolution. This derives from F=ma=mv^2/r=w^2r.

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3w ago

The frequency of revolution is directly proportional to the magnitude of the force causing circular motion. In other words, as the force causing circular motion increases, the frequency of revolution also increases.

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15y ago

force in circular motion is called 'torque'.....hope the answer to ur question

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Q: What is the relationship between the frequency of revolution and the magnitude of the force causing circular motion?
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Define angular speed?

Angular speed is a measure of how quickly an object rotates around a fixed point. It is typically measured in radians per second and describes the rate at which the object changes its angular position. It is analogous to linear speed but involves rotational motion instead.

What is circular motion called?

Circular motion is often referred to as rotation when an object spins on its axis or revolution when an object moves around another object in a circular path.

An object traveling at a constant rate in a circular path is changing its?

velocity continuously because velocity has both magnitude and direction. In a circular path, the direction of the object's velocity is constantly changing as it moves around the circle, even though its speed (magnitude of velocity) may remain constant.

What is centripetal acceleration and find its magnitude and direction in the case of uniform circular motion?

Centripetal acceleration is the acceleration that points towards the center of a circular path. Its magnitude is given by a = v^2 / r, where v is the speed of the object and r is the radius of the circle. The direction of centripetal acceleration is towards the center of the circular path.

What will be the net displacements of a particle completing one revolution along a circular path?

The net displacement of a particle completing one revolution along a circular path is zero. This is because the particle returns to its starting point after completing one full revolution, resulting in no overall change in position.

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Define angular speed?

Angular speed is a measure of how quickly an object rotates around a fixed point. It is typically measured in radians per second and describes the rate at which the object changes its angular position. It is analogous to linear speed but involves rotational motion instead.

What is circular motion called?

Circular motion is often referred to as rotation when an object spins on its axis or revolution when an object moves around another object in a circular path.

What is frequency of waves?

The number of circular revolutions made by the charged particle in one second. f=1/T unit of frequency is Hertz

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If a vehicle is moving on a circular road which is rough and banked also then magnitude of N and direction plus magnitude of friction mainly depends on the speed of the vehicle V-

Where is acceleration greatest in circular motion?

If an object moves in a circle at a constant speed, the magnitude of the acceleration won't change.

An object traveling at a constant rate in a circular path is changing its?

velocity continuously because velocity has both magnitude and direction. In a circular path, the direction of the object's velocity is constantly changing as it moves around the circle, even though its speed (magnitude of velocity) may remain constant.

What is centripetal acceleration and find its magnitude and direction in the case of uniform circular motion?

Centripetal acceleration is the acceleration that points towards the center of a circular path. Its magnitude is given by a = v^2 / r, where v is the speed of the object and r is the radius of the circle. The direction of centripetal acceleration is towards the center of the circular path.

What will be the net displacements of a particle completing one revolution along a circular path?

The net displacement of a particle completing one revolution along a circular path is zero. This is because the particle returns to its starting point after completing one full revolution, resulting in no overall change in position.

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Quantity that remains constant during uniform circular motion?

The speed of the object remains constant during uniform circular motion. The direction of the velocity changes continuously, but the speed (magnitude of the velocity) remains the same.