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Decomposers give cows nutrients to live

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Eloise Upton

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Q: What is the relationship between cows and decomposers?
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Related questions

Are cows decomposers?

No. Cows are herbivores, not detritivores or decomposers.

What is the relationship between decomposes and plants?

The relationship between decomposers and plants are that decomposers give plants nutrients and minerals.

What is the symbiotic relationship between cow and sheep?

Sheep and cows don't have a symbiotic relationship.

What is the difference between macro and micro decomposers?

The difference between macro and micro decomposers is micro decomposers can't be seen by the naked eye while macro decomposers are big enough so they can be seen.

What type of symbiotic relationship exists between cows and anaerobic bacteria?

The type of relationship between cows and anaerobic bacteria is a mutualistic one. This is because the bacteria helps the cow digest what part of the grass it can not. In return the cow provides a shelter and food for the bacteria for its short life of only 20 hours.

What is the symbiotic relationship between vampire bat and cow?

The symbiotic relationship between a vampire bat and a cow is considered to be parasitic. It was said that vampire bats would get into barns to bite and feed from the blood of cows for sustinance.

What is the symbiotic relationship between a vampire bat and a cow?

There really is no symbiotic relationship between sheep and cows as they are both herbivores and both eat the same food source, though sheep are able to eat other plants that cows would not touch or simply trample to the ground.

How are decomposers involved in making butter?

Decomposers are not involved in making butter from cream/milk. However decomposers are involved in breaking down the grass that a cow eats. Cows can not digest grass/cellulose and to get the nutrients out of grass, the cow has 4 stomachs in which it ferments the grass using decomposers. It is the bodies of these decomposers that are actually the food for the cow and it is this food that goes into making the milk and cream from which butter is made.

What is an example of comensalism in temperate grasslands?

i think, the relationship between cows and birds. birds sit on the cows back and as the cow moves across fields it causes insects and flys to disperse so as not to get trampled on. the bird eat these insects. the bird bensfits while the cow is not harmed. i think, the relationship between cows and birds. birds sit on the cows back and as the cow moves across fields it causes insects and flys to disperse so as not to get trampled on. the bird eat these insects. the bird bensfits while the cow is not harmed.

What is the relationship between Enteric Bacteria and cows?

Mutualism because both the cow and the bacteria are benefitting. The bacteria is benefitting because it gets energy from digesting the cows' cellulose. The cow is benefitting because it is getting its cellulose digested for it.

What is the type of symbiosis between a tick and cattle?

It is parasitism.

What are the examples of protocooperation?

Protocooperation is a type of relationship between two species in which both types benefit. One example is birds removing insects from the skin of cows.