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Q: What is the relative humidity when the dewpoint is reached?
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What term refers to the temperature at which the relative humidity is 100?

That would be "dewpoint"...When the air temperature falls to the dewpoint (or dewpoint rises to the air temperature), then you have 100% relative humidity.

How does humidity change over 24 hours?

Cold air cannot hold as much water vapor as warm air. As temperature drops relative humidity rises. Absolute humidity remains constant until the dewpoint temperature is reached, then decreases with temperature as water precipitates out of the air. Below the dewpoint temperature relative humidity remains constant at 100%.

What type of air has a realative humidity of 100 percent?

That would be "dewpoint"...When the air temperature falls to the dewpoint (or dewpoint rises to the air temperature), then you have 100% relative humidity.

Where can you find relative humidity levels for the US?

There aren't many. Relative humidity isn't usually of much interest to serious meteorologist. Stations report dewpoint; calculating RH is another step. (see link) has national RH maps. I usually get my humidity information from dewpoint maps from Contour plots of dewpoint (related link) are among of the most useful.

What is the relative humidity air that has reached its dew point?


What is the unit of measure for the sling psychrometer?

The temperature and dewpoint of the air (degrees), eventually indicating the relative humidity (percent). Both are dimensionless numbers ... they have no units.

Is humidity a percentage?

Yes, humidity is expressed as a percentage. When the dewpoint and the humidity are nearly the exactly the same or exactly the same as the air temperature, you'll have fog. The higher the dewpoint, the more humid it will feel.

Weather refers to what changes in the atmosphere?

Weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a particular time: it includes TEMPERATURE, PRESSURE, MOISTURE, and others like dewpoint temp and relative humidity.

What happens when air that has reached its dew point is cooled further?

Relative humidity increases

Which is the comparison of the amount of moisture in the air to the amount of moisture it can hold?

relative humidity

What is dew point and how do you know the temperature has reached its dew point?

If its over 50 u have reached dewpoint.

Amount of moisture in air compared to amount needed in saturation?

Relative humidity.