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Q: What is the removal of the top layer of soil called?
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Top layer of soil is called?

The top layer of soil is called the topsoil. It is the outermost layer that contains the highest concentration of organic matter and nutrients, making it ideal for supporting plant growth.

What is the removal of top layer of fertile soil?

Soil erosion occurs when wind or running water removes soil from where it lay

What is the top layer of soil called in the tundra?

The top layer of soil in the tundra is called the "organic layer" or "O horizon." It is made up of decomposing plant material and contains high amounts of organic matter due to the slow decomposition process in the cold conditions of the tundra.

What is the name for a horizontal layer of soil?

There are four layers and the four layers are top layer called the organic layer, Upper soil layer, middle soil layer, and the last one is lowest layer.

The top layer of soil and grass attached to it is called what?


The top layer of soil is called what?

Layers of soil are called horizons and labeled as O, A, E, B, C, and R. The top layer or horizon is O. It is made up of organic matter, and can be called topsoil.

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carrying away of the top layer of soil is called?

What does top soil have?

the top most layer of soil

What dose top soil mean?

Top soil means the top layer of soil

Why is it harmful to waste the top layer of soil?

The top layer of soil is the most fertile layer. It is the best for growing crops.

What is the layer of soil called?

Layers of soil are called horizons and labeled as O, A, E, B, C, and R. The top layer or horizon is O. It is made up of organic matter, and can be called topsoil.

What do scientist call the top layer of a soil profile?

Top soil