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hopefully it rains forever ;)

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2w ago

The response to "see you when the mud dries" is typically "okay," "sounds good," or "see you then." This is a casual and light-hearted way to acknowledge the plan to meet up again in the future.

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Q: What is the response to see you when the mud dries?
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What causes mudcracks?

Mud cracks form when wet mud dries. As mud dries, it shrinks and cracks start to form.

Can you get mud out of griptape?

you can help it by rinsing it with water and then using grip gum after it dries

How do you clean material that says do not dry clean or do not wash?

Coat it in mud, then wait until the mud dries, and break it off. You have to make sure the mud isn't wet though, since wet mud would constitute 'washing'.

Is mud nonlivingI think it is not.But there is a chance it is.?

mud grows, reproduces, consumes, and dries up, much like humans, however recent studies show that mud does not feel guilt. also, mud does not actively seek its survival as a species. so therefore, mud, is dead.

What materials was ancient pyramids made out of?

clay mud that was set out in thhe sun dries then chisled to the right size

Known for massive dung piles what animal prefers to remain under water or mud as their its dries out easily?


Do elephants sweat?

Elephants do not have sweat glands!!!!!!!!!!! that's why they have to use there ears to cool themselves down or even role in mud becaus it dries and acts like a shield to the sun ELEPHANTS DO NOT HAVE SWEAT GLANDS

How can a print turn into a fossil?

The mud dries gets covered over and eventually when enough heat and pressureare applied dirt turns to rock hence fossil

Where is mud?

everywhere, it is everything mud is like air see throught cool and dirty

Can humans use mud as sunscreen?

Yes, yes they can. Most people opt for the less messy approach and use the sunscreen made in a lab, but people and animals have been using simple mud as sunscreen for centuries. Just be sure to get a thick, even coat, and reapply when your mud-screen dries and starts to flake off.

What is a literal response?

A literal response is what you see.

Wasp sting swelling?

Use some mud. It is an old Indian trick that I learned from my grandmother and it works like a charm. The key is to put the mud on and leave it until it dries, then wash it off and the sting is gone. It works on everything from bee stings to spider bites. Anything with venom.