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To bring us Gods holy presence and to help and heal us. The holy spirit lays in the heart of his children.

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Q: What is the role of holy spirit in act?
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What are the role of the holy spirit in the christian?

The holy spirit is in you once you invite Jesus in . he will guide and be a comforter.

What is the role of the holy spirit in the life of the trinity?

the holy spirit is to lead us on the right path towards jesus. :)

What is the role of the pentecostal?

Filled with Holy Spirit, their role is to proclaim Jesus to the ends of the earth.

How many times is Holy Spirit mentioned in the New Testament?

The Holy Spirit is mentioned around 90 times in the New Testament. It plays a significant role in guiding, empowering, and inspiring believers. The Holy Spirit is often referred to as the helper, comforter, and advocate.

How do you invite holy spirit in?

Say 'I invite the holy spirit in' and the holy spirit will come in

What are some other names for the Holy Spirit?

Holy Spirit namesThe Holy Spirit is also called the Comforter, Paraclete, Spirit of Truth, and the AdvocateOther names for the Holy Spirit are:- Holy Ghost, Spirit of promise, Revelator, Sanctifier, Spirit of the Lord, Spirit of truth, Comforter and Messenger of the Lord.

Why the churches do have the power like the book of act?

The churches wich promot the book of acts accepting the boptize with holy spirit as acts chapter two they has been and always by field with the power of holy spirit

Are you to praise the Holy Spirit?

As God the Holy Spirit is worthy of respect and honor and is to be obeyed. What we find in scripture however is that the role of the Holy Spirit is to bring glory to Jesus Christ and God the Father, even though He is Himself fully 'part' of the Godhead. The role of the Holy Spirit is to, in the words of Jesus 'testify of me' and he also brings to our remembrance whatever Jesus has commanded us. Thus it would appear that a focus specifically on the Holy spirit without reference to the one who sent Him is unscriptural, although we ought to give credit where credit is due, since we cannot say 'Jesus is Lord' except by the Holy Spirit. The Holy spirit can also be grieved and it would appear that this may indeed occur if we ignore what God's word says and say that the Holy spirit has led us to do something which God has not commanded but has in fact prohibited. The best way to honor and even 'praise the Holy Spirit is to do what God says and what the Spirit expressly says and that is to honor Jesus Christ and praise Him and glorify God the Father.

What does the flame represent in confirmation?

Fire is one of the symbols of the Holy Spirit and when the disciples were Confirmed, they were showered with the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the tongues of flames symbolize the Holy Spirit.

What are titles of the holy spirit?

Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, Paraclete, Comforter...

Why is Holy Spirit referred to as He in the bible?

Christians believe that the Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity. God the Father, and God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. This would make the Holy Spirit a He. Through out Scripture the attributes of God and a real person are attributed to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a He and not an it.

Does the Holy Spirit draw sinners to repentance?

Yes, according to Christian belief, the Holy Spirit plays a role in convicting individuals of their sins and prompting them to repent and turn toward God for forgiveness and guidance. The Holy Spirit is seen as a guiding force that leads individuals to recognize their need for salvation and transformation.