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You first find a common denominator (eg for 2/3 and 4/7, it would be changed to 14/21 and 13/21) and then subtract them for each other. When doing this, you always multiply the numerator and denominator (top and bottom numbers) by the same amount

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Q: What is the rule when subtracting fractions with uncommon denominators?
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How do you get a common denominator for subtracting fractions?

you gotta find tyhe width of they nile river and substiture into the cosine rule before dividing by the velocity of the amazon rainforest

Do the adding fractions rule apply to subracting?

Yes inasmuch that the denominators of the fractions must be common to each other.

What is the rule for subtracting fractions?

First, change it so that the two fractions have the same denominator (by changing the fractions into equivalent fractions). Once the two fractions have the same denominator, it is simply a case of subtracting the numerators, leaving the denominator the same. Finally, reduce the fraction to its lowest terms (if possible).

What is the rule of adding and subtracting different denominator?

Find the lowest common denominator by finding the lowest common multiple of the denominators

What is the rule for multiplying fractions with like denamonators?

Multiply all numerators to get numerator of the product. Multiply all denominators to get denominator of the product. This is true whether the factors have like or unlike denominators.

What is the general rule for multiplying fractions?

The product of two fractions is equal to the two numerators multiplied together divided by the two denominators multiplied together. (a/x) * (b/y) = (a * b) / (x * y)

What is the rule in adding fractions having the same denominator?

Sum of the fractions = sum of numerators divided by their common denominator. Adding Fractions rule implies to addition of fractions having same denominator and as well as adding fractions with different denominators. So rule for adding fractions having the same denominator is add the numerators and simplify For example : 3/5 + 2/5 + 9/5 = (3 + 2 + 9)/5 [add the numerators] = 14/5

How do you add fractions with the same dinominator?

To add fractions the denominators must be the same.When the denominators are the same, just add the numerators keeping the denominator for the result, and then simplify the result, eg 1/8 + 3/8 = 1+3/8 = 4/8 = 1/2;If the denominators are different, make the fractions into equivalent fractions with the same denominator, and then use rule 1, eg 1/3 + 1/2 = 2/6 + 3/6 = 2+3/6 = 5/64/7 + 2/7=NEVER ADD THE DENOMINATORS!So you add 4 + 2= 6Then put 6/7 Because you keep the same Denominator.Easy now you can add fractions with the same denominators! :)Hope this helps!

What is the rule for multiplying fractions provide an example?

Multiply the numerators together. Multiply the denominators together. Simplify if possible. 3/4 x 6/7 = 18/28 = 9/14

What is a rule for multiplying fractions?

To multiply fractions you multiply both numerators (the top numbers) and both denominators (the bottom numbers) to get your answer. For example: 1/4 x 2/3 = (1 x 2) / (4 x 3) = 2/12 (or 1/6)

What are is the rule for subtracting fractions with negative signs?

the same as adding whole numbers. two negatives = negative. two positives = positive, and a negative and positive depends on the absolute value of the greater number.

What is the rule for subtracting negative numbers?

The rule for subtracting negative numbers is 'when you are subtracting a negative number from a positive or negative, you must always add it.'Example: 3--3 = 3+3 = 6