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Q: What is the salient features of the demand curve?
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True or False the steeper the demand curve the less elastic the demand curve?

It is false that the steeper the demand curve the less elastic the demand curve. The steeper line is used in economics to indicate the inelastic demand curve.

Is a demand curve created from a demand schedule?

The data on a demand schedule can be plotted on a demand curve. Often, a demand schedule will be created before the creation of a demand curve, so as to allow for greater accuracy when plotting the demand curve.

Is an increase in demand represented by a movement up the demand curve?

An increase in demand is represented by a shift of the demand curve to the right; not a movement along the demand curve. An increase in the quantity demanded would be a movement down the demand curve.

What the primary difference between aggregate demand curve and individual demand curve?

aggregate demand curve is the total sum of all the individual demand curves while individual demand curve is the demand made by the single individual.

What is the meaning of salient features?

Salient features mean noticeable, clear to see or obvious features. As an application example: "In his letter, he claimed that he just wanted to say hello, but the more salient message to me was that he was lonely and badly needed a friend to talk to."

What is a demand curve and how it is different from demand function?

The demand curve demonstrates what happens when a product is demanded by customers. A demand function refers to an event that can affect the demand curve.

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