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Q: What is the same between Celsius and kelvin scale?
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Each degree on the Kelvin scale equals?

The relationship between Kelvin and Celsius scale is K=C+273. 15. Where K is Kelvin temperature and C is Celsius temperature. Each degree on the Kelvin scale equals the same degree in Celsius scale differing only in the zero value. The freezing point of water and absolute zero are the zero values of Celsius and Kelvin scale respectively.

What is the difference between the Celsius scale and the Kelvin scale of temperature?

The Celsius scale is an interval scale which means that the difference between 0 deg C and 10 deg C is the same as the difference between 10 deg C and 20 deg C. However, the zero of this scale is arbitrary which means that 20 deg C is not twice as hot as 10 deg C..The zero point of the Kelvin scale is not arbitrary: it is the point at which thermodynamic energy is zero and so the scale more versatile than an interval scale: it is a ratio scale and this means that 20 K is twice as hot as 10 K.

What do you mean by 1 degree celsius of rise in temperature equal to 1 kelvin of rise in temperature of a substance?

1 kelvin and 1 celsius degree are both exactly the same thing ... a unit of temperature, equal to 1/100 of the difference between the freezing and boiling points of water. The only difference between the Kelvin scale and the Celsius scale is that they start from different temperatures ... the Celsius number starts from the freezing point of water, whereas the Kelvin scale starts from 'absolute zero'. So the Kelvin temperature will always be 273.15 more than the Celsius temperature ... because it starts at 273.15 lower. But when the temperature changes by some number of Celsius degrees, it changes by exactly the same number of Kelvins, because 1 Kelvin is exactly the same size as 1 Celsius degree.

Is a kelvin more accurate than a celsius?

No, they both are comparable. The Kelvin scale starts at absolute zero and is used in scientific laboratories. Celsius is for general use and set 0 and 100 as melting and boiling point of water respectively. To convert from C to K or vice-versa, add or subtract 273.15 to or from temperatures..

Why do scientists measure temperature in K or Celsius instead of Fahrenheit?

The Kelvin scale is an absolute scale. This means that at 10 K there is twice as much thermodynamic activity as there is at 5 K. This property does not apply to either the Celsius or Fahrenheit scale - where the zero is arbitrary. A difference of 1 Kelvin is the same as a difference of 1 Celsius degree which is why, as an alternative scale, Celsius is preferred to Fahrenheit.

Related questions

How does a temperature change of one kelvin compare to a change of 1 Celsius?

They are the same; the kelvin scale is designed so the difference between degrees is the same as the celsius scale.

Each degree on the Kelvin scale equals?

The relationship between Kelvin and Celsius scale is K=C+273. 15. Where K is Kelvin temperature and C is Celsius temperature. Each degree on the Kelvin scale equals the same degree in Celsius scale differing only in the zero value. The freezing point of water and absolute zero are the zero values of Celsius and Kelvin scale respectively.

What scale is the same as the celsius scale?

Kelvin. Both Celsius and Kelvin are measurements of temperature in the metric system, and both have the same size of degree. The only difference between them is that Kelvin has been shifted down the scale so that 0 degrees Kelvin is absolute zero, the coldest possible temperature.

Why is Celsius better?

It has the same magnitude as the kelvin scale.

What would be 50000c on a kelvin scale?

50273.15 K Conversion from Celsius to Kelvin is the temperature in Celsius + 273.15. Conversion from Kelvin to Celsius is the temperature in Kelvin - 273.15. Celsius and Kelvin use the same interval in the scale, however Kelvin starts at 0 degrees where Celsius starts at -273.15 degrees (absolute zero).

At what temperature do the Celsius and Kelvin scales have the same numerical value?

At any point in the Celsius scale, the difference between degrees Celsius and degrees Kelvin is 273.15. At no point do the two scales cross.

What is the kelvin scale based on?

The Kelvin scale is based on temperature. To add to the above, the Kelvin scale is based on the Celsius scale in that the measurment unit is the same. The difference is the starting point where 0 Kelvin is set at absolute zero, or -273.15ºC.

Why Scientist use the celsius scale?

It has the same magnitude as kelvin.

How are Fahrenheit and Kelvin scale the same as the Celsius temperature?

No but they can be converted.

What is the difference between the Celsius scale and the Kelvin scale of temperature?

The Celsius scale is an interval scale which means that the difference between 0 deg C and 10 deg C is the same as the difference between 10 deg C and 20 deg C. However, the zero of this scale is arbitrary which means that 20 deg C is not twice as hot as 10 deg C..The zero point of the Kelvin scale is not arbitrary: it is the point at which thermodynamic energy is zero and so the scale more versatile than an interval scale: it is a ratio scale and this means that 20 K is twice as hot as 10 K.

What is the unit used when measuring temperature?

There are four units for temperature: Celsius, Kelvin, Fahrenheit, and Rankine. The Kelvin scale is the same as the Celsius scale, just with the zero point being absolute zero. The Rankine scale is the same thing for the Fahrenheit scale. ■

Is zero on the celsius scale is the same as zero on the kelvin scale?

No, 0 ºC = 273 K