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Wind like when you are sleepping

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Q: What is the same sounding of nose?
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Why is duty sounding like doody?

They just have the same pronunciation.

What is it called when you write a word with the same sounding but different spelling?

It is called a homophone. Homophones are words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings.

Can two shep have the same nose print?

can two sheep have the same nose print

What type of nose do you have?

in this world everyone has the not the same nose

What is different sounding line patterns in shoal examination?

I have the same question.any one can answer it??

How do you say 'occupation' in french?

It's spelled the same, but is pronounced "ocku - pas - see - oh" with the 'pas-see-oh' sounding all together, and the 'oh' sounding almost like you were going to say 'on'.

How do you care for a nose piercing with a runny nose?

your dumb.the same way

Is your thumb as long as your nose?

Yes, your ear is the same size as your nose... They have the same growth speed also, they are the same length.

A Violin has 4 stings all the same length but of different pitch What must be true of the velocity of the waves on each string as the pitch goes up?

The velocity for higher sounding strings must be faster than the lower sounding strings. The velocity for higher sounding strings must be faster than the lower sounding strings.

Do sheep and goats make the same noise?

no, it is very similar though. Every goat and sheep is different,but the noise centers into a "goat sounding" or "sheep sounding" noise witch are similar.

Why does a cat have a nose?

For the same reason any animal has a nose ! Do detect smells !

Why does Dr. doofensmirtz have a long nose?

It's in the DNA. His mother has the same type of nose.