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Oviparous animals

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Q: What is the scientific name for animals who have eggs instead of live births?
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Related questions

How are reproductive system of plant and animal different?

plant have seed, animals either lay eggs or have live births

Why do some animals not need a placenta?

Not all animals have placentas because they lay eggs instead. Only mammals have placentas by the way. Other animals use eggs and amniotic eggs.

How do snakes have live births?

Instead of laying eggs, the developing embryos form and grow inside the female snake, and are 'born' when their time is ready.

What animal is a cold blooded creature that has babys?

Well snakes sometimes have live births depending what type they are but on a whole most coldblooded animals lay eggs.

Do male groundhogs lay eggs?

No it births live.

Do Bobcat lay eggs?

No, bobcats have live births.

Do algae eaters lay eggs or have live births?

If you mean a Pleco, they lay eggs.

Did dinosaurs lay eggs or have live births?

Most, if not all, dinosaurs layed eggs.

Do all animals have sperm?

No, not all animals have sperm. Amoebas and some other protists are technically animals but reproduce asexually instead of with sperm and eggs.

Do any dinosaurs have live births?

No. Their offspring comes out in eggs.

Does a wolverine have live young or eggs?

mammals always have live births and a wolverine is a land mammal so they have live births

What is the scientific classification given to mammals that lay eggs?

Mammals that lay eggs are called monotremes. They are placed in the infraclass and order Monotremata.