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Q: What is the second broadest taxonomy category after domain?
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What is the definition of Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species?

Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species is the taxonomic hierarchy used to categorize and classify organisms based on their characteristics. It goes from broader to more specific categories, starting with Domain (the highest level) and ending with Species (the most specific level). Each level represents a different set of shared characteristics among organisms within that category.

What is the second highest and second broadest classification level for plants and order?

The second highest classification level for plants is the division. The second broadest classification level for plants is the order.

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What is The second broadest level of taxonomic level?


Second broadest classification grouping for animals?

Phylum is the second broadest classification grouping for animals, following Kingdom. Phylum divides animals into major groups based on general characteristics such as body structure and organization. Examples of phyla include Chordata (which includes vertebrates) and Arthropoda (which includes insects and crustaceans).

What part of the URL is the second level domain name?

A first level domain name is: second level domain name is: or:

What is the second highest level of classification?

The second highest level of classification in biological taxonomy is the phylum. It is a higher rank than class and is used to group organisms based on shared characteristics that are more general than those used for classifying within a class.

What is the last part of an email address?

The last part of a domain name is very important. It is specified and explains your website category like .com is used for business, .edu is used for education, .in is used for information and .gov is used for government website.

What is the name of the first domain in an Active Directory tree?

The first is the parent domain, and everything after that is a child domain. So you might have something like. parent.local this would be the first domain of the parent domain child.parent.local is the second or child domain

What are the three components of a fully qualified domain name?

The three parts of a domain name are the host record (www, @(none) or *(other)), the SLD (second level domain) and the TLD (top level domain) or ccTLD (country code top level domain). For example = host nameanswers = SLD (second level domain).com = TLD (top level domain)

What is the second part of an email address called?

the term used for the part of the e-mail address following the "@" symbol is "domain" for example in "yahoo" would be the domain

How would you determine the domain and range from a list of ordered pairs?

The domain is the set of the first number of each ordered pair and the range is the set of the second number.