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It is sometimes mistakenly called a "blue moon." There is no "official" name for the second full moon in a month. The full moon is an astronomical phenomenon that happens at a specific moment. Specifying that moment (as, for example, "7:23 PM on November 21st" depends entirely on the usage of the Roman calendar and the time zone of the observer. So the "second full moon in the month" might not even occur for a different observer. The full moons must be approximately 28 days apart, so this means that each would necessarily fall near the beginning and end of a month, increasing the likelihood that each would occur in a different month.

The history of the term "blue moon" is very interesting, and to read it just follow the related link below. In summary, a "blue moon" is the 4th full moon in an official "season". Seasons usually have only three full moons, and in folklore each moon has a name which helps farmers know when to do certain things. An extra moon throws this off, and so was named "the blue moon" leaving the other full moons to carry their proper names.

The suggestion that the second full moon in a month is called a "blue moon" comes from an error made in "Sky and Telescope" magazine in 1946, and repeated several times in print and on radio until it was accepted as the truth.

See the link below for the whole story.

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Q: What is the second full moon in any month called?
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The second full moon in a month is called a "blue moon."

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A second full moon in a month is a blue moon.

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A blue moon.

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Its called blue moon.

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Blue Moon

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The second full moon of any month is called a 'blue moon'. It is a rare occurrence. The saying 'once in a blue moon' means that something does not happen very often.

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What are the names of the two full moons in one month?

That's a "Blue Moon" . . . the second Full Moon in the same CALENDAR month.The cycle of moon-phases is 29 days, so there has to be a full moon on the 1st or 2nd of the month,in order to have another one before the end of the month.December 2009 will have Full Moons on the 2nd and the 31st. That will be the first time in a little over 3 years.

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A blue moon.

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The month the full moon the called harvest moon is October.

Why do we only see the full moon once a month?

Yes sometimes there are 2 full moons during one month. These do not happen very often and the second full moon is called a 'blue moon', hence the expression, "once in a blue moon".