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i dont know really.

its just something to put :p

someone answer this -_-

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Q: What is the seemingly low temperature due to excesive breeze?
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Related questions

What is the seemingly lower temperature due to excessive breeze?

The lower temperature is called wind chill

Why well water is hot in early morning?

the sun is beaming on the water which makes it hot

How is humidity and convection connected?

By remembering the process of convection and convection current rainfall we can relate both. Land breeze and sea breeze are due to convection current and humidity also occur there due to this.

Why the breeze is cool in hot weather?

In hot weather our body temperature increases and as a result, sweat discharge from the body pores present on the skin. These sweat drops change into water vapors due to blow of breeze, leaving behind feeling of coolness thus, breezes cool in hot weather.

What is the movement of air due to difference in pressure called?

Nobody knows. Breeze ... maybe.

What would the climate of India be if the Himalayas were not there?

Northern India would have been warmer by about 5 degrees. Southern Indian peninsula temperature, would have been more or less the same due to monsoon and sea breeze. (Im not a speacialist, my answer is just a guess)

Which part of the ear gets protected when you spontaneously open the mouth due to a strong breeze?

tympanic membrane

Organisms generally have many genes that seemingly assort independently than the number of their chromosomes this phenomenon is due to?

Crossing over.

How do land and sea breezes work?

Onshore breeze can be due to sunshine warming of the land mass, this causes the air over the land to rise and suck air over adjacent water in towards land. Sea breeze is the converse with cooling landmass (after the Sun has set) pulling air from higher regions down towards the land and pushing air out over water (which has a relatively more stable temperature).

Is the vertical movement of air currents due to temperature variations?

What is the vertical movenment to air currents due to temperature variations?

Why is the temperature getting hotter?

some theories are: the temperature is getting hotter due to co2 from both volcanoes and cars the temperature is gettig hotter due to a nautural cycle

What is the average temperature in Malibu Beach CA in winter?

According to the UCS Downtown campus for the county of Los Angeles the average temperature during the winter months is "61.5" degrees Fahrenheit. The coastal temp is a little different, taken from data from LAX Airport. The average seems to be "59.46" degrees Fahrenheit. Cooler likely due to the breeze coming in off the pacific.