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"Graduated" measuring instruments (graduated pipette, ruler) are divided into "grades".

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Q: What is the series of lines on an instrument of measure called?
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What is the laboratory instrument used to measure curved lines?

At first they will use the twine to measure the curved lines and then they will take one scale and looke the measure

What instrument measures curved lines?

the simplest way to measure the curved lines is by using a thread...........or cloth type tape

What instrument is used to measure the angle between two lines?

Such a device is known as a protractor.

What is the definition of ruler in math?

a tool used to draw straight lines or measure straight lines miss pawz: a measuring instrument :)

An instrument used to construct stright lines?

The instrument that is used to construct straight lines is called a rule. Often people make the mistake of calling it a ruler, but its a rule.

What is the purpose of steel rule?

"A ruler, sometimes called a rule or line gauge, is an instrument used in geometry, technical drawing, printing and engineering/building to measure distances and/or to rule straight lines. Strictly speaking, the ruler is essentially a straightedge used to rule lines[citation needed], but typically the ruler also contains calibrated lines to measure distances"

What is the line around the world called?

The lines parallel to the equator are referred to as Lines of Latitude and are used to measure degrees above and below the equator. They are also called parallels and include the Arctic and Antarctic Circles and the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn; the equator is the longest line of latitude on the earthSee the link below

What are lines that measure a locations distance north or south of the equator?

The "lines" are called latitude lines.lines of latitude

Small lines used to write music beyond the staff are called?

Lines added to the stave when notes are below or above the top of the stave are called "ledger lines" or "leger lines". They can occur in any stave indicating an instrument with melody.

What is the distance between two bar lines?

It's called a measure.

What the distance between two bar lines?

It's called a measure.

What are imaginary lines that run east to west and measure distance north and south of the equator called?

the answer is longitude and latitude lines