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It is butane.

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The shortest-chain alkane that can demonstrate isomerism is butane (C4H10). Butane can exhibit two structural isomers: n-butane and isobutane, which differ in the arrangement of carbon atoms in the chain.

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Q: What is the shortest-chain alkane that can demonstrate isomerism?
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What is the shortest chain alkane that can demonstrate isomerism?

Propane (C3H8) is the shortest chain alkane that can demonstrate isomerism. It has two possible isomers: n-propane and isopropane.

Why an organic compound is able to show optical isomerism but not geometrical isomerism?

Optical isomerism arises due to the presence of chiral centers in a molecule, which leads to the molecule being non-superimposable on its mirror image. Geometrical isomerism, on the other hand, arises from restricted rotation around a double bond or ring. Organic compounds can exhibit optical isomerism if they have chiral centers but typically do not show geometrical isomerism unless there are specific structural features like double bonds or rings that limit rotation.

Which Type Of Isomerism Is Exhibited By But-2-Yne?

But-2-yne exhibits structural isomerism, specifically positional isomerism, where the carbon-carbon triple bond is located at different positions within the carbon chain.

What is meant by isomerism and what are the types of isomerism?

Isomerism is when molecules have the same molecular formula but different structural arrangements or spatial orientation of atoms. The main types of isomerism are structural isomerism (different connectivity of atoms), stereoisomerism (same connectivity but different spatial arrangement), and conformational isomerism (different arrangements due to rotation around single bonds).

How many hydrogens in alkane?

In an alkane, each carbon atom is bonded to 4 hydrogen atoms. So, the number of hydrogens in an alkane can be determined by the formula 2n+2, where n is the number of carbon atoms in the alkane.

Related questions

What is the shortest chain alkane that can demonstrate isomerism?

Propane (C3H8) is the shortest chain alkane that can demonstrate isomerism. It has two possible isomers: n-propane and isopropane.

What is the another name of geometric isomers?

Geometric isomerism also known as cis-trans isomerism or E-Z isomerism

Is cis-trans isomerism included in geometrical isomerism?

The geometrical isomerism is mainly Cis-trans isomerism but in some cases we use another term Z and E isomers, they are almost same.

Which Type Of Isomerism Is Exhibited By But-2-Yne?

But-2-yne exhibits structural isomerism, specifically positional isomerism, where the carbon-carbon triple bond is located at different positions within the carbon chain.

Is 3-methyloctane an alkane an alkene or alcohol?

3-methyloctane is an alkane because it consists entirely of carbon-carbon single bonds. Alkanes are hydrocarbons made up of only single bonds.

What has the author George W Edgett written?

George W. Edgett has written: 'Isomerism and What is mind?' -- subject(s): Isomerism, Personality

How do alkenes show geometric isomerism?

Alkenes show geometric isomerism when they have restricted rotation around the double bond, leading to different spatial arrangements of atoms. This can occur when two different groups are attached to each carbon of the double bond, resulting in cis-trans isomerism.

Is it possible for an alkane to be an isomer of an alkene?

Yes, if the alkane is cyclic and the alkene is not.

Is methane is the only alkane?

No, there are many alkanes; methane is the simplest alkane.

How many hydrogens in alkane?

In an alkane, each carbon atom is bonded to 4 hydrogen atoms. So, the number of hydrogens in an alkane can be determined by the formula 2n+2, where n is the number of carbon atoms in the alkane.

What is meant by isomerism and what are the types of isomerism?

Isomerism is when molecules have the same molecular formula but different structural arrangements or spatial orientation of atoms. The main types of isomerism are structural isomerism (different connectivity of atoms), stereoisomerism (same connectivity but different spatial arrangement), and conformational isomerism (different arrangements due to rotation around single bonds).

What is the difference between isomers and isomerism?

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