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It depends. If the note is not sharped or flatted due to the key signature or an accidental earlier in the measure, it is a flat. If the note is sharped, the natural sign indicates that you play it a semitone lower.

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Q: What is the sign in the staff which indicates that the note that follows it must be played a semitone lower?
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Semitone lower than a natural note?


How do you get from a semitone to a tone and how do you get from a tone to semitone in music?

From e natural to f natural is a semitone. To make this a tone, raise the f to f sharp, or alternatively lower the e to e flat.

How do you transpose clarinet to piano?

Lower each note by a semitone.

What do sharps or flats in music do?

Sharps make the note a semitone higher in pitch whereas flats make it a semitone lower. Hope this helps!

What interval is A to G sharp?

G# is one semitone lower than A.

What is a bemol?

A bemol is another term for the flat sign in music, ♭, used to lower a note by a semitone.

What accidental lowers a flat by one semitone?

To lower a note that's already flat, there is such a thing as a double-flat.

What raises a pitch by one half step?

The symbol to lower a note a half step is called a flat.

What lower the pitch by a half step?

A flat (♭) lowers the pitch of a note by a semitone (half-step). A sharp (#) raises the pitch of a note by a semitone. Naturals cancel out sharps or flats that apply to notes and make them their usual pitch (♮).

What accidental lowers a note by one semitone?

if you are playing a brass instrument you tighten or loosen your ambocure (lips) to come out with a higher or lower note a sharp

What is the meaning of accidentells in music?

acidentals are sharps or flats that either raise the note up one semitone, or lower it by one semitone. there can also be naturals, wich make the note natural again, so instead of F sharp, if you put the natural sign in, the note would just be F

What Two pairs of notes exist as semitones and do not require accidentals?

The white notes E -> F and B -> C are a semitone apart. They do not require accidentals when present in any key in which those particular notes are not altered in the key signature, but do require accidentals if the corresponding notes in the key signature automatically raise or lower them by a semitone accordingly.