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No one liked him so when he died everyone was happy and became friends

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Q: What is the significance of Caesars death to the theme of friendship in the play?
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NO friendship is not a theme it is a feeling

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What are some themes?

A theme is the main idea. it is in one or two words. EX: Friendship, Life/Death, Immigration, Mystery, Adventures..etc. the theme is the authors message/ theme..ssage

What is the theme of friendship?

the theme of friendship is being kindhearted , hounered , commited , trusting and understanding .

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The kind of friendship that was a popular theme for Shakespeare's plays was romantic friendship.

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The theme of "11 Birthdays" is friendship, magic and forgiveness. The genre is fantasy if you wanted to know that too. :)

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personally, I would think that the theme would be friendship.

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