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If the coordinate system is "inertial" (stationary, or moving in a straight line at a constant speed without rotation), then the motion will be the same as in any other inertial system, and Newton's laws of motion apply. If the coordinate system is not inertial (e.g. if it's rotating, or moving in circular path, or accelerating in a straight line), then Newton's laws of motion will not apply if the motion is calculated in the non-inertial frame. For example, if you are sitting at a table in a room that is slowly rotating, and roll a ball across the table, it will appear to move in a curved line across the table. But if you were looking from a stationary point above the room, you would see that the ball rolled in a straight line, and the table was moving under it.

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Defining a coordinate system is crucial for studying the motion of an object because it allows us to quantify the position, velocity, and acceleration of the object at any given time. By assigning axes and origin points, we can accurately describe the trajectory and changes in position of the object over time. This helps in analyzing the motion mathematically and predicting its future behavior.

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What is the horazontal motion of an object?

Horizontal motion refers to the movement of an object parallel to the ground in a left-right or right-left direction. This type of motion is independent of vertical motion and is often influenced by factors such as initial velocity, air resistance, and external forces.

What is the definition of frame of reference in scientific terms?

A frame of reference is a coordinate system that defines the position and motion of an object. It is used to describe the motion of an object relative to another point or observer. Different frames of reference can result in different observations of the same event.

How can i get Presentation on uniform motion and nonuniform motion?

To create a presentation on uniform motion and nonuniform motion, you can start by defining each concept clearly. Explain how uniform motion is when an object travels at a constant speed in a straight line, while nonuniform motion is when the speed or direction of an object changes. Use visual aids like graphs, diagrams, and real-life examples to illustrate the differences between the two types of motion. Be sure to include relevant formulas and calculations to support your explanations.

What is the meaning of reference point in physics?

In physics, a reference point is a specific location chosen as a starting point to measure the position or motion of an object. It serves as a constant point of comparison to determine the location or changes in position of an object in a given frame of reference. It is essential in establishing a coordinate system to describe motion accurately.

Why does object in motion stay in motion?

An object in motion stays in motion because of inertia, which is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion. Once an object is set in motion, it will continue moving at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force.

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What is the horazontal motion of an object?

Horizontal motion refers to the movement of an object parallel to the ground in a left-right or right-left direction. This type of motion is independent of vertical motion and is often influenced by factors such as initial velocity, air resistance, and external forces.

What is the definition of frame of reference in scientific terms?

A frame of reference is a coordinate system that defines the position and motion of an object. It is used to describe the motion of an object relative to another point or observer. Different frames of reference can result in different observations of the same event.

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it depends on the reference points, that is form where the object is viewed...when sun is viewed form earth, it moving...but earth is also moving...when the rotation of the earth is stopped, then the sun is at a constant position...thereforean object position relative to another object is changingonly when the reference point changes..

What 2 things must you know to descriobe the motion of an object?

If movement is in two dimensions: the x-coordinate of the velocity, and the y-coordinate of the velocity. Or alternatively: the magnitude of the velocity, and the direction. If movement is in three dimensions, you need to know three things, for example, x-coordinate, y-coordinate, and z-coordinate of the velocity, or magnitude of the velocity and two components of direction.

How can i get Presentation on uniform motion and nonuniform motion?

To create a presentation on uniform motion and nonuniform motion, you can start by defining each concept clearly. Explain how uniform motion is when an object travels at a constant speed in a straight line, while nonuniform motion is when the speed or direction of an object changes. Use visual aids like graphs, diagrams, and real-life examples to illustrate the differences between the two types of motion. Be sure to include relevant formulas and calculations to support your explanations.

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What is the meaning of reference point in physics?

In physics, a reference point is a specific location chosen as a starting point to measure the position or motion of an object. It serves as a constant point of comparison to determine the location or changes in position of an object in a given frame of reference. It is essential in establishing a coordinate system to describe motion accurately.

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What is the rate of motion of an object in linear motion?

That is the object's 'speed'.