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i.e the paperwork that was previously submitted,by counsel,is quite analogous

meaning similar.

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Q: What is the similar word for analogous?
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What is the word for two similar colours?

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What is the Base Word Of Analogous?

The word derives from the noun "analogy", and means similar or comparable.

What is a better word for similar?

Some synonyms for the adjective similar are akin, analogous, comparable, like, much alike, resembling.

What is homologous organs and analogous organ?

Homologous organs have similar looking structure and similar origin but different functions . Whereas analogous is just the opposite analogous organs are those that have similar function but different origin and structure

What is the synonym word for akin?

similar, related, close, near, corresponding, comparable, equivalent; connected, alike, analogous.

What is a sentence using the word analogous?

The word 'analogous' means 'similar', 'comparable'. It is however, of a higher register than those two, and is mostly used in scientific writing. Here's an example of the word in use, taken from a scientific website: "Mind-blowing: Distance between local stars in our galaxy is analogous to 2 grains of sand miles apart"

What do you call a similar feature that has a similar function but is not from a similar lineage?

its called an analogous character.

What is a one word definition for conpare?

There is nothing called conpare but there is compare. Compare is to consider or describe as similar, equal, or analogous; liken.

What are analogous structures?

Analogous structures are features of two different species that are similar in how the function, but the structure of the two features is different. The wings of an insect and the wings of a bird are analogous structures.

What describes part of organisms that have a similar function but not a similar structure?

Analogous structures fit your definition.

What different words can be used for like?

similar, as, akin, analogous or corresponding

Which of these words describes two situations that are similar to each other?
