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They are both insects, but aside from the superficial observation that both are insects that can sting us, they really couldn't be more unalike. Mosquitos sting with mouth parts, and although not all mosquitos consume blood, the ones we swat make a parasitic living from us (human beings) by extracting a small amount of our blood and digesting it. Bees sting with a stinger located on the back of their abdomen, and this stinger has no role in digestion or feeding. The honeybee we know best is a social insect that stings in self defense, in defense of its hive.

Although mosquitos and honeybees are both insects, they almost couldn't be more unrelated. Mosquitos are flies, members of the order Diptera, while bees belong to the Hymenoptera, which includes wasps as well as bees.

From our point of view as human beings, mosquitos are pests, and many species of mosquitos spread diseases and parasites while they are feeding on us. By contrast, honeybees are beneficial to us, serving as essential pollinators of many plants, including important crops.

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Q: What is the similarities between a bee and a mosquito?
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