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educational levels.

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Q: What is the single most important factor underlying the long-run increase in average real-wage rates in the US?
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What is the most important factor underlying the long-run increase in average real wage rates in the us?

educational levels.

What is the increase in the average temperature of the biosphere?

The increase in the average temperature of the biosphere is called global warming.

What is the average percentage increase from 172 to 175?

1.74% increase.

If average cost increases does marginal cost increase?

It depends if the increase in Average Cost is caused by an increase in Fixed Costs or an increase in Variable Costs. An increase in Fixed Costs will not increase MC, because FCs do not vary with output (by definition) And increase in Variable Costs will increase MC

How much does a medical diagnostician earn?

When considering a career, it is important to consider the salary. A diagnostician makes an average $60,000 annually. Salary can increase based on specialty.

How does the addition of heat to a liquid affect its average kinetic energy?

It would increase its average kinetic energy which would be apparent by an increase in temperature.

Could the temperature of a material increases the average of its particles also increase?

If the temperature of a material increases, the average kinetic energy of its particles will increase.

What increase as the average energy of the motion of the particles of matter increase?

The temperature of the substance would increase as the average energy of particle motion increases. Additionally, the pressure exerted by the particles on the walls of the container would also increase.

An increase in the average kinetic energy of a sample of copper atoms occurs with an increase in what?

An increase in the average kinetic energy of a sample of copper atoms occurs with an increase in temperature. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance, so as temperature increases, the particles (such as copper atoms) gain more energy and move faster, which increases their kinetic energy.

Global warming is the increase in the average what of the earth?

Temperature of the atmosphere and oceans.its the increase in the temperature of the earthBLANK = "temperature".Temperature

How could a train increase its average speed?

A train could increase its average speed by reducing the number of stops it makes, improving its acceleration and deceleration rates, and upgrading its tracks to allow for higher speeds. Additionally, optimizing the train schedule to minimize delays and improve efficiency can help increase its average speed.

What is the Increase in average temperature of the biosphere?

Global Warming