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Q: What is the size of the rocks arms?
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What size serving goes in a rocks glass?

Depends on the size of the Rocks glass and the type of drink

What are fine textured rocks?

They are rocks with a small grain size.

What size of rock can wind erode?

well, think about it, wind can erode ALL size of rocks, wind does its job, which is eroding rocks.

What is a factor that controls grain size in igneos rocks?

Crystal size in igneous rocks is controlled by the rate of cooling whereby the slower the rate, the larger the size of crystal.

What are sedimentary rocks such as sandstone that are formed from broken fragments from other rocks?

Clastic or detrital rocks, depending on size.

Scientists classify rocks?

by carol and size

What size are metamorphic rocks?

They are different sizes.

Is gravity the force that causes rocks to change shape and size?

No, its erosion that causes rocks to change

What are rough textured rocks?

Rocks with a large grain size perhaps with angular grain shapes.

What are terms used to describe rocks with large vs small particles?

Rocks with large particles are called coarse-grained rocks, while rocks with small particles are referred to as fine-grained rocks. The term grain size refers to the size of the individual particles within a rock.

What are a couple of examples of sedimentary rocks?

Rocks that are categorized as sedimentary rocks include sandstone, breccia shale, limestone and selenite. Sedimentary rocks are classified by their grain size.

Are erratic rocks in Americas?

Erratic rocks are in Americas. They are a very important symbol in the in the history of America. Erratic rocks differ in size and type with the native rocks where it rests.