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Different units are used. From Wikipedia: "The term [magnetic field] is used for two distinct but closely related fields denoted by the symbols B and H, where H is measured in units of amperes per meter ... B is measured in teslas (symbol:T) and newtons per meter per ampere(symbol: N·m−1·A−1 or N/(m·A)) in the SI. ..."

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7y ago

There are several ways of defining a magnetic field and these depend on the effect that the field has on its environment.

The B-field (also called the magnetic flux density) is measured in teslas.

The H-field (also called the magnetic flux intensity) is measured in newtons per metre per ampere.

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The SI unit for magnetic field is the tesla, symbolized as "T."

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The SI unit for magnetic field strength is the tesla. In SI base units, 1 T = 1 kilogram per ampere per second per second.

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What is the unit of the magnetic field?

the unit of magnetic field is tesla (si unit ) and gauss (cgs ) unit.1 tesla = 10,000 gauss .1 tesla= 1N/mAAnswerIt depends on what you mean by 'magnetic field'. If you mean 'magnetic flux', then the SI unit is the weber(pronounced 'vay-ber'). If you mean 'magnetic flux density', then the SI unit is the tesla. If you mean 'magnetic field strength', then the SI unit is the ampere per metre.

What is Magnetic flux density unit?

"Magnetic flux density" is also known as the magnetic field,The SI unit for this is the Tesla, written as T.CommentMagnetic flux density is not "also known as the magnetic field". It describes the intensity of a magnetic field.

A unit area is placed at different positions and orientation in a magnetic field .in what position is the flux through the unit area greatest?

In the position where the dirction of the magnetic field is perpendicular (normal) to the unit area.

Unit of magnetism are?

The unit of magnetism are: Weber for magnetic flux, Tesla for magnetic flux density and ampere per meter for magnetic field strength.

What is the magnetic flux?

No of lines of force can pass through the unit area of magnetic field

What does the magnetic flux per unit area indicate?

The magnetic flux per unit area indicates how much magnetic field passes through a given area. It quantifies the strength of the magnetic field passing through a surface and is measured in units of teslas per square meter.

What is the si unit of magnetic field?

Oersted which is equal to 79.58 Am-1AnswerAn oersted is an obsolete (cgsA) unit of measurement for flux density, not magnetic field strength. The SI unit is the ampere per metre.

If magnetic lines are close what does this mean?

If magnetic lines are close, then the magnetic field has a lot of magnetic lines of force packed together. This translates into a large number of flux lines per unit of area through which they're passing. A large number of flux lines per unit area means a high field density. High flux density means the magnetic field is strong compared to a field where the flux lines are not as close together.

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The magnetic field strength in an injector cyclotron is calculated using the equation B = (mv)/(qR), where B is the magnetic field strength, m is the mass of the particle, v is the velocity of the particle, q is the charge of the particle, and R is the radius of the cyclotron. By rearranging this equation, you can solve for B.

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A Magnetic Force

What is the unit for magnetic force?

The SI unit for force is the newton, N = kg m s-2. Magnetic field strength is measured in tesla, T = V s m-2 (or N A-1 m-1, or kg A-1 s-2, etc.). The strength of Earth's magnetic field is about 3 x 10-5 T.

What is flux detector unit in aircraft?

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