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Q: What is the slowest air soft bullet speed?
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What color has the maximum and minimum speed in air?

Red color will travel fastest in air and Blue color will travel slowest

What causes a bullet To lose speed and fall to the ground?

Gravity and air resistance will both play a part. Air resistance is likely to reduce speed and gravity will cause the bullet to be pulled towards the ground.

Can you shoot an air soft gun at the carpet?

yes it is 100% safe. The carpet absorbs the bullet.

What is the slowest moving animal in air?

The slowest creature in air is the Amarican Woodcock

How close do you have to be to a bullet to hear it go through the air?

Depends on the speed of the bullet, air temp and humidity. I hsve been about 6 feet from the path of a high powered rifle bullet, and you can hear the crack caused by the bullet breaking the sound barrier.

How do you determine trajectory of a bullet?

Trajectory of a bullet in flight is governed by a combination of the initial speed, the ballistic coefficient of the bullet, the angle at which it is fired, and external factors such as air temperature, humidity, wind speed, and air pressure. Ballistic coefficient is a value assigned based on the bullet shape and its length to diameter. A bullet with a higher ballistic coefficency will retain energy (speed) better than one with a low BC. There are several computer programs that can be used in the speed and BC (the major factors) are known.

What hurts more Nerf or air soft?

An air soft gun would hurt much more than a Nerf gun. A Nerf gun only shoots foam at an extremely slow speed but an air soft gun is pressurized and shoots bb's at a much faster speed.

What does travel through slowest?

Sound travels slowest through air because the particles in the air are spread apart.

What does sound travel slowest in?

by air

What happens to the speed of the light as it travels from the air through the glass and then through the water?

The light refracts due to the change in speed. The change in speed occurs because the light is travelling through a denser medium. So it will travel fastest through the air and slowest through the glass

Through what material does sound travel slowest?

sound will travel through air (gas), the slowest. Because the molecules in the air are farther apart. Actually rubber it will travel through rubber the slowest. Air is second slowest. Age: 15 Name: Rachel Thanks for reading! <3