

What is the smallest particles of matter called?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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an atom

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Q: What is the smallest particles of matter called?
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What is the smallest particles of matter?

The smallest particles of matter are the atom particles, namely protons, neutrons, and electrons. The electron is the smallest of the three.

What are smallest units of matter?

The smallest units of matter are the subatomic particles.

What did Democritus name the smallest particles of matter?

Atomos is the name Democritus gave the smallest particles.

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What are the Tiny parts in matter called?

the smallest part of matter is an atom the smallest part of an atom is called the electron i do believe good luck

Describe the discovery that demonstrate for the first time that atoms are not the smallest particles of matter?

The discovery of the subatomic particles demonstrated for the first time that atoms are not the smallest particles of matter. Electron was the first subatomic particle discovered by J.J. Thomson.

Smallest particles that make up matter?

An Atom. It's the world's smallest particles of matter, atom's is known to be 20 times smaller than an average coffee bean.

What is the second smallest matter?

We could say what the second smallest piece of matter if we knew what the smallest piece of matter was. Since the smallest pieces of matter known are quarks-down, strange and bottom have the lowest charge -3, they can be regarded as the first, second and third smallest particles.

Quarks are the smallest matter?

Quarks are not the smallest matter,it can be any of a group of subatomic particles thought to be among the fundamental constituents of matter-more specifically, of protons and neutrons.

Why is the atom not only of the smallest particle of an element but of any matter in this universe?

because matter is not made up of particles so an aton is the smallest thing! :)

Is molecule the smallest particle of matter?

No, atoms are not the smallest particles of matter. Atoms are the smallest pieces of a chemical element, but atoms are made of even smaller particles. We know that neutrons, protons and electrons make up atoms. And there are even smaller particles when we begin to look at what is called the particle zoo.

What is meaning of paramanuvu?

the meaning of paramanu is atom. Atom is the smallest particles of matter