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An ATOM!!!!

An atom can be sub-divided in to protons, neutrons, and electrons.

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12y ago

The smallest particle/piece of an element is called an atom. The atom has smaller parts but when broken down into these, it is no longer an element.

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11y ago

The smallest piece of a chemical element is called an atom.

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8y ago

The atom

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Q: What is the smallest piece of a chemical element called?
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Is an atom a piece of an element?

atom - smallest piece of an element that keeps its chemical properties; compound - substance that can be broken into elements by chemical reactions

What name do you give the tiniest piece of element?

The smallest unit of an element is called an atom.

Smallest piece of matter?

The smallest piece of matter is an atom, which is the basic building block of all matter. Atoms are made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons. These particles are further made up of elementary particles such as quarks and leptons.

Do chemical reactions cause changes in atoms?

An atom is the smallest piece of an elemental chemical, a molecule is the smallest piece of a compound chemical (composed of several elements). However due to quantum effects, neither an atom nor a molecule has the properties that we associate with that specific chemical. You need a minimum of several hundred or thousand atoms or molecules in most cases for the "bulk" chemical properties to begin to appear.

What is the smallest piece of the element that still retained the element?

an atom

What kind of element an atom is?

An atom is the smallest piece of an element that can be identified as that element.

What did democritus call the smallest piece of chalk after breaking it over?

Democritus called the smallest piece of chalk an "atom." He believed that all matter was made up of indivisible particles called atoms.

The smallest units that oxygen and hydrogen can be divided into are?

An atom is the smallest piece of that element that you can divide it into without changing the element.

What name do we give to the tiniest piece of element?

The smallest piece of an element is called an atom. Atoms are the basic building blocks of all matter and are made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

What is the difference between a atom and molecules?

An atom is the basic unit of matter that is made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons. A molecule is a group of atoms bonded together. In simple terms, atoms are single units, while molecules are made up of multiple atoms bonded together.

What is the relationship between atom and element?

They use a force called bonding where they either gain or lose an electron.

Is argon atomic?

Yes. Because argon is an element the smallest "piece" of it is referred to as an atom.