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Christmas stocking

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Q: What is the sock that hangs by the chimey?
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Related questions

A sock that hangs by the chimney is call?

A sock hanging by the chimney is called a stocking.

What did the europeans use for shelter in the 1600's?

a house with a chimey and everyone love a good chimey and a big chummy in front

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What is chimey?

is when a regular person looks like if he or she is special. talk like a retard. like piggy wiggy and her boyfriend

What did Victorian chimney sweeps eat?

what did victorian chimey sweepers aet

What is an ankle sock?

An ankle sock is a short sock which covers the foot and ankle.

What can you make with a sock?

sock puppets

Is it soc or sock you in the mouth?

It is sock.

Do you have a sock?

Yes, I do in fact have a sock

What does it mean if you put on sock sock shoe shoe?

It means left sock, right sock, left shoe, right shoe

How is a sock and a monkey similar?

both a sock and a monkey have mass, both a sock and a monkey tend to be soft, and both a sock and a monkey are solid. Both a sock and a monkey tend to be furry.

French word for sock?

sock - chaussette socks - chaussettes