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It takes around 74 days for total reproduction, but around 24 hours to get a nice amount.

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13y ago
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12y ago

well this answer is only for guys. before it reprodution its starts to come out on its own. dont be scrad!

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Q: What is the speed of sperm in uterus after reproduction?
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How does sperm reach the uterus?

the sperm reaches the uterus through the cervical opening or cervical os.

What is the fertilization of an egg by a sperm is what reproduction?

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Why is the lining of the uterus important in reproduction?

Because it is.

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What is the difference between bat reproduction and human reproduction?

Female bats have their own natural form of birth control. They can store sperm for fertilization at a later time or to delay implanting the sperm in the uterus. Amazing how creatures great and small were created! Humans do not have that capability except by birth control methods mainly through use of drugs.

Which part of the female reproduction system is responsible for protecting and nourishing a developing fetus?

The uterus.

What is the biological requirement for reproduction for male and female?

The male produces sperm cells, which carry his genes. The sperm cell meets an egg cell from the female which carries her genes. The sperm cell penetrates the egg's outer layer. This is called "fertilizing" the egg. Normally, the outer layer of the fertilized cell thickens, so no more sperm cells can enter it. The fertilized egg then travels to the woman's uterus, where it attaches to the wall of the uterus and ultimately develops into a fetus.

Does the sperm and the egg is necessary in asexual reproduction?

Asexual reproduction implies that no sperm or egg is required. Budding is a type of asexual reproduction, in which for example a coral polyp breaks off and begins a new colony, no sperm or egg.

Where does the sperm go to inside the female?

Into her uterus.

Where does fertilization of the egg by the sperm occurs?


Why does the sperm not go through the uterus on the way out of the mans body?

A man doesn't have a Uterus.