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Jack's and his tribe first try to drive Ralph from his hiding place in the thicket by sending a boulder crashing into it. When this tactic fails Jack then tries to smoke Ralph out of his hiding place by lighting a fire. Ralph makes his way out of the opposite side of the thicket by surprising and stabbing a 'savage' who is on guard. Ralph runs for it and the savages spread out across the island signalling to each other. Ralph tries hiding again, this time in Simon's secret place but is spotted by another savage, who he attacks and stabs with his spear. The fire which Jack lit soon spread out of control and set fire to most of the island. Ralph ended up stumbling onto the beach, with Jack's tribe in hot pursuit.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Ralph doesn't really initiate any course of action in chapter 11: Castle Rock. It is Piggy who announces that he intends to go and demand the return of his glasses from Jack. Ralph simply acquiesces to his demand and says, I quote... "All right. I mean--you can try if you like. We'll go with you."

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11y ago

After Ralph's angry tirade, the hunters begin to bully Piggy to make themselves feel more powerful and important. ChaCha again!

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10y ago

Jack's group went to the thicket where Ralph was hiding and smoked him out by setting the surrounding area (and the forest) on fire.

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12y ago

They set fire to the island, in hope of smoking him out.

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Q: How does jacks group try to get Ralph in lord of the flies?
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In the book The Lord of the Flies by chapter 9 Ralph, Piggy, and the twins are the people who have not joined Jack's group. After the twins are captured and Piggy is killed that leaves Ralph as the one person who is not a part of Jack's tribe.

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Well, when Ralph is feeling sad about being left out of Jacks group, Piggy comforts him in a way only a man can.

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The two boys who left Ralph's group to join Jack's group in "Lord of the Flies" are Sam and Eric, also known as Samneric. They were lured by the promise of hunting and adventure in Jack's group, which appealed to their primal instincts and need for excitement.

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The two boys who left Ralph's group and joined Jack's tribe were Sam and Eric, often referred to as Samneric in the novel "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. They were previously loyal to Ralph but succumbed to Jack's persuasion and fear tactics.

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jack overcomes Ralph by making his own group of people and being the leader of his group

Who is elected leader in Lord of the Flies?

In "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, Ralph is elected as the leader by the group of boys stranded on the island. His democratic approach contrasts with Jack's authoritarian leadership style, leading to a power struggle between the two characters.

In lord of the flies what two things have jack's group stolen from ralph's?

The fire and Piggy's specs

What has Ralph fixed his mind on in lord of the flies?

Ralph is focused on being rescued and maintaining order and civilization on the island in "Lord of the Flies." He believes in teamwork and following rules to ensure the group's safety and chance of rescue.

What relationship does Ralph and piggy have in the Lord of the Rings?

In "Lord of the Flies," not "Lord of the Rings," Ralph and Piggy have a close friendship built on mutual respect and understanding. Ralph shows leadership qualities while Piggy offers intellectual guidance and support. Their relationship is central to the group dynamics on the island.

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the guy who accompanies jack along with Robert to steal fire from Ralph's group