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For knowledgeable, the first syllable.

For perseverance, the primary stress is on the third syllable (VEER), with a secondary stress on the first syllable as purr-seh-VEER-ens. (sibilant S as in tense).

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Q: What is the stressed syllable in the words knowledgeable and perseverance?
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What is the stressed syllable in the word sunbathing?

Every word has a stress. Since "sun" is only one syllable, it is stressed.

What does it mean for a syllable to be stressed?

stressed syllables are the syllables within a word that have the most emphasis when spokenfor example:other - the syllable "oth" is stressed and the syllable "er" is not because "er" is pronounced less that "oth"the "er" tends to sound as if it were falling away at the end of the wordcompound words tend to be double stressed because both syllables are pronounced equallyfor examplechildhood- both "child" and "hood" are pronounced fullyyou can tell which syllable is stressed by saying the word naturallyIn words of two syllables or more, at least one of the syllables is usually pronounced with extra emphasis. We can divide syllables into stressed and unstressed categories.

Can you get words of primary stress secondary stress and tertiary stress?

The stressed syllable is the syllable that is emphasized when it is spoken. Some words have more than one stressed syllable, so the primary stress is the most emphasized syllable, the secondary stress is the second most emphasized, and the tertiary stress is the third most emphasized.

How many syllables are in strong?

A strong syllable is a stressed syllable. This syllable is more prominent and stronger than the others, and are often found in multi-syllable words.

What is an unstressed syllable and how do you find it in words?

You can look in a dictionary. Dictionaries usually show word stress. BE -lief

Related questions

What are words where the whole syllable is stressed?

Monosyllabic (one syllable) words. There is only one syllable so the whole word is stressed.

What is a first syllable stressed?

The first syllable in stressed is stress. The second one is -sed.

What are stressed first syllables?

It refers to words that are stressed on the first syllable.

The stressed syllables in words are called?

I do not know of a specific name for a word's stressed syllable. However, sometimes people use the phrase "accented syllable" instead of "stressed syllable."

What are the syllable that receives accent for the words About and committee?

For "about", the first syllable receives the accent: a-BOUT. For "committee", the second syllable receives the accent: com-MIT-tee.

What words are stressed in second syllable?


What two-syllable words that begin with a stressed syllable and end in an unstressed syllable?

recent, decent, legal, zebra

Words that are stressed on the 4th syllable?

incomprehensible, parliamentarian, antediluvian

What is the stressed syllable in the word sunbathing?

Every word has a stress. Since "sun" is only one syllable, it is stressed.

Does breakfast have an accented syllable?

Almost all words have an accented or stressed syllable: here it is the first syllable (BREK-fehst).

Where is the stressed syllable of auto mobile?

If you mean "automobile," it is usually stressed on the first syllable, but in verse it may be stresses on the final syllable. If you mean, as you wrote, "auto" and "mobile," both words receive the stress on the first syllable.

Which syllable of belief is stressed?

Belief is stressed on the second syllable.