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Tectonic plates fit together like a jigsaw puzzel that makes up the earth.

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6h ago

Tectonic plates are typically composed of a rigid outer layer known as the lithosphere, which includes the crust and upper part of the mantle. This lithospheric layer is broken into several large and small plates that float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere beneath them. These plates interact along their boundaries, which can be convergent, divergent, or transform faults.

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What are tectonic plates and plate boundaries?

Tectonic plates are plates underneath the ground we stand on that help to form the structure of the earth, when two tectonic plates colide they create terrains such as mountains. they have also been known to cause some Tsunami's.

How does the structure of the earth's surface result in an earthquake?

Its When Tectonic plates either collide Or Move Apart. Examples Of Tectonic Plates moving Together are mountains and volcanoes.

What are the large thin plates that move relative to one another on the outer surface of earth called?

They are called tectonic or lithospheric plates.

What is the place where two plates come together called?

Tectonic plates are separated by "faults," places where the structure of the Earth is cracked. Most earthquakes occur along fault lines.

What are the plates that make up Earth's crust?

Tectonic plates

What are most tectonic plates composed of?

The Lithosphere.

The lithosphere is broken up into sections called?

The lithosphere is broken up into sections called tectonic plates. These plates float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere below and interact with one another at plate boundaries, where most earthquakes and volcanic activity occur.

Why are most of the earthquakes and volcanoes located at the border of the tectonic plates?

Beacause plates, at tectonic, boundaries shift against each other.

I am part of lithosphere but you move around on top of the asthenosphere?

The answer is Tectonic Plates

Where are volcanoes most likely to develop?

On tectonic plates.

What triggers the earthquake?

Earth is made up of many tectonic plates. When these plates shift, earthquakes happen. The tectonic plates are always moving, but most of the earthquakes are tremors (depends on how close you are to the place the tectonic plates are shifting).

Studies of earthquake waves have helped scientist determine the?

Studies of earthquake waves have helped scientists determine the structure of Earth's interior, including the layers of the planet such as the crust, mantle, and core. By analyzing the speed and direction of seismic waves, scientists can also locate the epicenter of an earthquake and understand the properties of different materials beneath the surface. Additionally, earthquake waves provide information on the movement of tectonic plates and help forecast potential seismic hazards in vulnerable regions.