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Q: What is the study of similarities and differences among structures of living species called?
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The accumulation of differences between species or populations is called?

The accumulation of differences between species or populations is called genetic or evolutionary divergence. This process occurs over time as organisms adapt to different environmental conditions or through genetic drift and natural selection.

Differences that occur between members of a species?

Some differences that can occur between members of a species include variations in physical characteristics, behavior, and genetic makeup. These differences are often influenced by factors such as environmental conditions, geographic location, and individual experiences. They can lead to diverse adaptations within a species, contributing to its overall resilience and survival.

Developmental similarities among very different animals can be attributed to?

Developmental similarities among very different animals can be attributed to their shared ancestry and evolutionary history. These similarities often arise from genetic conservation of key developmental pathways that have been conserved over time. Additionally, environmental factors and constraints can also influence the development of different species in similar ways.

What is the differences between members of the same species called?

It varies based on the organism: breed, race, strain, member are all used.

What is variation among members of the same species called?

Variation among members of the same species is called genetic diversity. This diversity arises from differences in genetic makeup, leading to variations in traits such as physical appearance, behavior, and susceptibility to diseases. Genetic diversity is important for a species' ability to adapt to changing environments and to evolve over time.

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The study of embryological similarities and differences among species is called?

The study of embryological similarities and differences among species is called embryology. It involves comparing the development of embryos to understand evolutionary relationships and patterns in species.

What is the study of similarities and differences in the structures of organisims?

The study of similarities and differences in the structures of organisms is called comparative anatomy. This field of study focuses on examining the anatomical features of different species to understand their evolutionary relationships and adaptations to their environments. Scientists use comparative anatomy to uncover common ancestry and identify shared evolutionary traits among organisms.

Psychologists who are interested in behavioral similarities and differences between species are called?

Comparative psychologists study behavioral similarities and differences between species. They focus on understanding how behaviors have evolved across different species and how they are influenced by environmental and genetic factors.

What is the study of similaities and differences in the body structure of organisms?

The study of the similarities and differences in the body structure of organisms is called comparative anatomy. It involves examining the anatomical features of different species to understand evolutionary relationships and adaptations. By comparing structures across species, scientists can infer how organisms are related and how they have evolved over time.

What are two or more objects or ideas observed by their similarities called?

The term is "contrast" when items are observed or defined by their differences. The word "compare" is used for observed similarities, or more generally for both similarities and differences.

Similar structures that related species have inherited from a common ancestor are called structures?

Homologous structures.

What are Scientist who study the structural similarities and differences between organisms are called?


Similar structures that related species have inherited from common ancestors are called?

Homologous structures.

Structures that are similar are called?

Structures that are similar are called analogous structures. These structures may serve similar functions but have evolved independently in different species.

What is the study of genomes with or among species?

The study of genomes among species is called comparative genomics. It involves comparing the genetic material of different species to understand evolutionary relationships, identify similarities and differences, and gain insights into genetic variations that contribute to different traits or functions.

The procedure of comparing cultural similarities as well as differences among societies is called the?


What is the study of structural differences and similarities among living things called?

comparative anatomy